Feb 08, 2025  
2015-2016 Catalog and Handbook 
2015-2016 Catalog and Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Bachelors Degree Transfer Options

When deciding whether to attain a two-year versus a four-year degree, you might not realize you can do both without sacrificing time or money. How? Exciting partnerships between Southeast Tech and Bellevue University, Black Hills State University, Dakota Wesleyan University, Mount Marty College, Presentation College, the South Dakota Public University system and the University of Sioux Falls allow students with an Associate of Applied Science degree the opportunity to earn their Bachelor’s degree, without losing credit hours or repeating classes.

Southeast Tech graduates who transfer into specific programs may take advantage of these benefits:

  • Junior-level status.
  • Ability to earn a Bachelor’s degree in as little as two years after graduating with an AAS Degree.
  • Some programs may require additional coursework to meet competencies.
  • On-site or online courses.
  • Evening courses and daytime courses, some specifically geared for working adults.

Additional information is provided below, or contact the Admissions Office to get complete details on our articulation agreements with these colleges and universities and the additional benefits each may offer.

Bellevue University

Apply your Southeast Tech degree or credits toward your Bachelors degree with Bellevue University through the STI/BU Bachelors degree partnership program.

Bellevue University awards full credit for AAS degrees to the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree completion programs in business, healthcare, technology, information systems and leadership. Southeast Tech students will start as Juniors and will be able to complete a bachelors degree in as little as 12 months without leaving South Dakota.

Various degree programs are offered on-site at the Southeast Tech campus in the evenings and online. One of the first accredited universities to offer online degree programs, Bellevue University is recognized as a leader in online learning. Their award-winning online classroom was developed to provide students with an online experience that is even better than you could imagine - you are not out on your own, but actually communicating with your peers and professors.

For more information about on-site programs through BU at the Southeast Tech campus or online degree programs please call Bellevue University Admissions at 605.335.8010 or visit the Bellevue University-Smoothest Transfer website at www.bellevue.edu/advantage.

Based in Bellevue, Nebraska, Bellevue University has eight locations throughout the nation’s Heartland. Bellevue University is a private, non-profit university, regionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and is a member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools-Commission on Institutions of Higher Education (NCA-CIHE). This status means that Bellevue University degree programs are welcomed by employers and other colleges and universities throughout the world.

Black Hills State University (BHSU)

Black Hills State offers a Bachelor of Applied Technical Science (BATS) Degree. This allows students with Southeast Tech’s Associate of Applied Science degree to build upon their technical skills and knowledge and earn a BATS degree from Black Hills State in Spearfish, SD.

Dakota Wesleyan University (DWU)

DWU is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and is a member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools-Commission on Institutions of Higher Education (NCA-CIHE.)

Your Associate of Applied Science Degree in any of these programs: System Administrator; Network Administrator; Computer Programming; Computer Network Security Technician and diploma in Licensed Practical Nursing, can transfer to DWU so you are able to earn a bachelor’s degree in just two additional years.

Through a combination of general education and business courses, you will receive a highly marketable degree in one of our most popular majors at DWU. Invest in your future by continuing your education at DWU. For more information, visit DWU’s website at www.dwu.edu or call toll-free 800.333.8506.

Mount Marty College

Mount Marty College and Southeast Tech have developed an articulation agreement that provides you the opportunity to transfer your Southeast Tech credits to Mount Marty. These transfers are on a course-by-course basis. For specific course transfer opportunities, please visit Southeast Tech’s Admissions Office.

Mount Marty is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and is a member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools-Commission on Institutions of Higher Education (NCA-CIHE).

Presentation College

Presentation College and Southeast Tech have teamed up to provide a seamless completion of your Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) or Bachelor of Science in Business degree. This unique opportunity not only gives you credit for what you already know; it provides you a flexible, convenient and cost effective way to enhance your career. Southeast Tech graduates interested in Presentation’s Bachelor of Science in Business degree should complete an application for admission to Presentation College and provide all necessary transcripts.

For admission into the BSN program, Southeast Tech graduates must be admitted to Presentation College, hold an unencumbered, active LPN license, be a Southeast Tech LPN graduate, have a cumulative 2.5 GPA, have a minimum of 1,000 hours of nursing practice experience (waived if a recent Southeast Tech graduate), submit two satisfactory professional, character references, and submit to a criminal background screening when clinical agencies require it. For more information, call Presentation College at 800.437.6060 Ext. 492 or visit the website at www.presentation.edu.

Presentation College is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and is a member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools-Commission on Institutions of Higher Education (NCA-CIHE). Presentation’s BSN program is accredited through the National League of Nursing and the South Dakota Board of Nursing.

South Dakota Public Universities 

The South Dakota Public University system has developed various program-to-program articulation agreements for Southeast Technical Institute Associate of Applied Science program graduates. Agreements are available in a variety of areas. For specific program transfer details, visit Southeast Tech’s Admissions Office, discuss options with your Southeast Tech instructor, log on to the university system’s web site at www.sdbor.edu/services/academics/ARTICULATION/index.htm, or visit with a university admissions representative.

In addition, general education course articulation agreements are also available (see the “General Education Core Curriculum ” information in the Academic Information section of this catalog). General Education courses that will transfer to the university system are indicated on the student’s transcript by a “T” next to the Southeast Tech course number.

University of Sioux Falls (USF)

USF has a diverse undergraduate program base from which to choose, including traditional undergraduate programs, an online RN-to-BSN program, and a Degree Completion Program (DCP). Even if you transfer into a totally unrelated traditional undergraduate field, USF will honor up to 64 transfer credits from Southeast Tech graduates and grant students junior-level status. Students will be required to complete the full regimen of courses for their chosen major. Southeast Tech graduates who transfer to USF will receive five key benefits:

1. Junior-level status.

2. Annual $3,000 scholarship for full-time students. (Does not apply to the RN-to-BSN or DCP.)

3. 64 Southeast Tech credits accepted for transfer. (Any courses transferred to Southeast Tech will be evaluated separately and may affect the total transferable hours to USF.)

4. Ability to earn a bachelor’s degree in only two years. Some programs may require additional coursework to meet competencies.

5. Immediate entry into the Degree Completion Program (DCP). The DCP is an accelerated, one-evening-per-week or online program that allows you to combine study with full-time employment.

For more information, visit USF’s website at www.usiouxfalls.edu/transfer or call 605.331.6600 or toll-free 800.888.1047.

The University of Sioux Falls is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission, 230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500, Chicago, IL 60604, 800.621.7440.

University of South Dakota (USD)

In the fall of 2010, Southeast Tech and the University of South Dakota received approval for a ground-breaking forward and reverse articulation agreement between the two institutions. This agreement allows Southeast Tech students who have attained a two-year associate of applied science degree in an approved Southeast Tech health care program to transfer into the Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences major at USD. USD students who have completed two years of the health sciences major requirements also have the ability to transfer to Southeast Tech to complete one of Southeast Tech’s approved programs. The specific health coursework from Southeast Tech will transfer back to USD as a block of electives applied towards the BS in Health Sciences.

Graduates who complete the requirements for the two health programs will earn both an associate of applied science and bachelor degree.

PATHWAY 1: Reverse Articulation

Completing years one and two at USD, years three and four at Southeast Tech and transferring Southeast Tech block transfer credits back to USD for completion of degree:

  1. Students will complete the required health science major courses through the University of South Dakota during the first two years of their education. During the third year of their education, they will enter their chosen health program at Southeast Tech and complete the requirements for the AAS in the health program at the end of the fourth year.
  2. Upon successful completion of the requirements of the AAS degree at Southeast Tech, the student will transfer a block of 49 technical credits to USD and apply for graduation. In addition to the 49 block credits, general education coursework that is equivalent to Regental courses will be transferrable and accepted by USD up to a total of 60 transfer credits.
  3. USD will waive the graduation requirement that 16 of the last 32 credits for the baccalaureate degree must be earned as institutional credit.
  4. Students must meet all other Board of Regents and University graduation requirements in order to receive a bachelor’s degree.

PATHWAY 2: Forward Articulation

Completing your chosen AAS degree in a heath program at Southeast Tech and transferring to USD to complete the Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences:

  1. Upon successful completion of the requirements of the AAS for a Southeast Tech health program of their choice, students may transfer to USD to complete the BS in Health Sciences. At that time, USD will accept a block of 49 technical course credits from the Southeast Tech AAS degree. Transferable general education coursework in addition to the 49 block credits will also be accepted, up to a total of 60 transfer credits.
  2. Students will complete the requirements for the health sciences major and any general education or graduation requirements that remain unsatisfied.
  3. Students must meet all Board of Regents policies and University graduation requirements in order to receive a bachelor’s degree.

The BS in Health Sciences offered at the University of South Dakota is a dynamic major that is interdisciplinary in nature and provides flexible options that allow students to prepare for many kinds of careers related to health. The major provides the opportunity for students with an interest in the health professions to explore the many opportunities in the field and to develop the knowledge, values and interpersonal skills needed to be successful in today’s health and human service settings. The Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences will qualify students for entry into graduate programs in a specific health profession, entry-level employment in health care or health care-related positions and educational mobility for individuals who wish to advance their education. All required coursework is offered on the Vermillion campus, on site in Sioux Falls and Rapid City, and online through the Division of Continuing and Distance Education.