With the Diesel Technology AAS Degree you will have a well-rounded learning experience with training in both Trucking and Heavy Equipment repair. To earn the AAS in Diesel Technology complete both 1 year diploma tracks and a total of 15 credits of general education requirements (6 more than the diploma).
Begin your path to an AAS with either Trucking or Heavy Equipment for the first year and then complete the other in your 2nd year. The AAS degree option will give you equipment specific training in each area as well as expanding your knowledge in the areas that are common to both.
Training will consist of Engine Systems, Hydraulics, Electrical, Chassis Components, Brakes, Drive Trains, powertrain controls, and other specific systems as they relate to both the Trucking and Heavy equipment.
TECHNOLOGY REQUIREMENTS: This degree is a Bring Your Own Laptop (BYOL) program. You may purchase a laptop on your own or from the Southeast Tech IT Support Center.