Diagnostic Medical Sonographers use high frequency sound waves to create images of various organs, tissues, vessels, and fetuses. These health care professionals use their expertise to record images and patient data in digital archiving networks for a physician who will interpret the results. They examine many areas of the body, such as the abdomen, breasts, male and female reproductive systems, thyroids, superficial tissues, and the fetus. Sonographers must be well versed in human anatomy, pathology, and the technical operation of ultrasound equipment, as well as interact compassionately and effectively with the sick or injured. They must have the capability to assist patients on and off exam tables, distinguish audible sounds, distinguish multiple shades of gray and colors, and communicate effectively via speech, reading, and writing. Background checks and drug screenings are required for this program.
Clinical Affiliation: Students will be placed in a clinical affiliation for 7 months in medical centers throughout the United States. If a student does not complete specialty sonography classes in three consecutive semesters, faculty and administration will determine whether courses must be repeated before enrolling in clinical.
Please see the Diagnostic Medical Sonography Handbook and the Academic Handbook for the Healthcare Programs for additional/adjusted rules, regulations, and policies regarding your program.
SSS 100 Student Success (This class will be required of students who are not transferring in 9 college credits from an accredited institution.)
TECHNOLOGY REQUIREMENTS: This degree is a Bring Your Own Laptop (BYOL) program. You may purchase a laptop on your own or from the Southeast Tech IT Support Center.