Sep 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Academic Handbook for the Early Childhood Specialist Program​

Throughout your educational journey you will have several individuals who impact your future. Southeast Tech’s team is excited to be part of this adventure. President Bob Griggs, Vice President of Academic Affairs Dr. Benjamin Valdez, alongside your instructors, aim for high quality learning and a successful outcome. I am not only a full-time faculty member for this program, but I will also serve as your Academic Advisor. In addition, adjunct instructors will be teaching courses in collaboration
with the goals and objectives of the Early Childhood program. The Scarbrough Center, located here on campus, will serve as one of our partnering field experiences. It will be a great place to learn about young children, families and the field of early childhood.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me!

Loretta K. Leloux

Why is Early Childhood Such an Important Profession?

  • The early years are the most important time in ones’ life for learning.
  • All children develop and learn in their own manner; therefore, educators have a lot of learning!
  • Children thrive in safe and supportive environments.
  • Educators must activate the child’s own natural desire to learn.
  • Play is the highest expression of human development.
  • Early Childhood is the foundation for a child’s later success in life.

Mission Statement

To educate individuals for dynamic and rewarding careers that promote lifetime success and meet the workforce needs of our region.

Vision Statement

Educational excellence for tomorrow’s workforce.

Early Childhood Mission Statement

The Early Childhood Specialist program pursues excellence. Our educational experiences give students the opportunity to develop hands-on, critical thinking and personal skills required to care for young children and their families. Students will learn practices that foster collaboration, age-appropriate curriculum and developmentally appropriate teaching skills in a nurturing environment. Our early childhood courses are designed to provide real-life application and professional learning experiences to prepare students to be confident and competent early childhood professionals.

Common Learning Outcomes at Southeast Tech

Learning is an active process. The general education program strives to develop self-directed learning behaviors and meta-cognitive thinking. Courses are designed to help learners become responsible employees in their various fields with practice in four broad areas: technology, problem solving/critical thinking, communication and professionalism. By the time you graduate, you should have competence in:


  1. Technology: You will be able to explain industry-relevant technological concepts (knowledge) and demonstrate industry-related technical skills (performance).
  2. Problem Solving & Critical Thinking: You will be able to define problems, analyze problems, generate solutions, and select the best solution.
  3. Communication: You will be able to define the purpose of communication, organize and structure it, and provide supporting material. You will demonstrate precision of language as well as professionally deliver and format the communication.
  4. Professionalism: You will demonstrate positive work ethic, collaborate as part of a team, adapt to change, adhere to professional standards and model integrity and ethics.

Professional Preparation Standards for Early Childhood

Coursework objectives and activities in the Early Childhood program at Southeast Technical College are developed using the Standards for Early Childhood Professional Preparation Programs developed by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).

  • Standard 1: Promoting child development and learning.
  • Standard 2: Building family and community relationships.
  • Standard 3: Observing, documenting and assessing to support young children and families.
  • Standard 4: Using developmentally effective approaches to connect with children and families.
  • Standard 5: Using content knowledge to build meaningful curriculum.
  • Standard 6: Becoming a professional.
  • Standard 7: Field experiences.

Early Childhood Curriculum

ECH 101: Introduction to Early Childhood This course outlines the child-centered approach to early childhood education. It contains an overview of the field of early childhood including child development, observing and assessment, crucial relationships, curriculum philosophies, learning environment and the responsibility of supporting play. This course also offers direct experience with young children.
ECH 105: Diversity in the Lives of Young Children This course offers an examination of the influence of personal culture and environment on the development of young children, families and professionals in the field. The course contains information about various diversity topics: race, socio-economic status, family dynamics, religion and language. Theory and practical applications are shared to develop positive family interactions, parent partnerships and increase professional knowledge of diversity.
ECH 110: Child Health, Safety and Nutrition This course emphasizes current concepts in health, safety and nutrition related to the growth and development of young children. It blends current theory with practical applications. Information on child abuse and neglect, mental and physical health is added to the discussion, as well as how this content is addressed in state and federal licensing rules and regulations.
ECH 120: Child Development I: Prenatal to 2 years This course provides foundational knowledge of basic child growth and development from prenatal through age 2. The course speaks to prenatal development, brain development and domains of cognitive (language), social, emotional, and physical development.  Relevant milestones in each domain of development will be applied. This course discusses the magnitude of family dynamics and the value of adult relationships in the lives of young children.
ECH 130: Early Childhood Curriculum I: Foundations & Methodologies This course examines and evaluates early childhood curriculum and methods that lead to the development and implementation of appropriate curricula for young children. Foundational concepts are covered to assist skill building in fine motor skills, sensory development, technology, early math and science.
ECH 160: Social Emotional Guidance This course focuses on effective approaches and positive guidance strategies for supporting the development for young children, emphasizing supportive interactions and developmentally appropriate environments. The course presents a means of assessment to analyze and guide behaviors.
ECH 170: Early Childhood Practicum I: Observational Skills This 15-hour practicum in Early Childhood Education is an opportunity to have a guided learning experience in a professional agency that provides services to children and families. Learning experiences at the practicum site will allow students to utilize knowledge learned from other Early Childhood courses.
ECH 201: Literacy in Early Childhood This course provides information on the importance of language and literacy development throughout the early years. This course will give opportunities for students to understand the fundamentals of language and literacy skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and their appropriate teaching methods.
ECH 211: Administering & Supervision in Early Childhood Settings This course covers the basic principles involved in the organization and operation of childcare programs. The course addresses business practices associated with owning and operating a program such as philosophy statements, policies and procedures, finance, state and federal regulations, business practices, marketing, supervision responsibilities and building community relations.
ECH 212: Professional Development in Early Childhood This course is a study of professional issues in the field of early childhood, and family studies. This course will discuss professional development, ethics, public policy, advocacy and workplace issues.
ECH 220: Child Development II: 3-8 years This course provides foundational knowledge of child growth and development for children 3-8 years of age. This course speaks to the developmental domains of cognitive (language), social, emotional, and physical development. Relevant milestones in each domain will be applied. The course continues to discuss the value of adult relationships in the lives of young children.  
ECH 230: Curriculum Development II: Integrating the Arts This course focuses on the development, implementation, and assessment of curriculum in the areas of visual arts, music, movement, nature, and dramatic arts (social studies). It addresses the importance of a child’s independence, creativity, and prospect to be taught in a child-led environment. Developmentally appropriate standards for a child’s learning process will be addressed throughout the content of each area of study. 
ECH 240: Exceptional Learner This course provides an overview of development and learning experiences for children with special needs. It addresses developmental needs, developmentally appropriate environments, and effective teaching methods for children with varying ability differences. Accommodations and adaptations to the early childhood environment will be included in course discussions.
ECH 260: Family Relations This course will offer knowledge related to the family systems theory, family interactions and the role individuals play as part of a family unit. Students will discuss at length the significance of the family-child-teacher relationship, including various types of informal and formal communication. A focus will be on understanding and valuing family characteristics, driven by a respectful, responsive, and reciprocal relationship. In addition, students will learn about
community resources to support families and their children.
ECH 296: Early Childhood Practicum II: Capstone Field Experience This course provides an opportunity to apply knowledge and skills in a supervised early childhood setting. It emphasizes professional relationships and behavior, appropriate adult-adult and adult-child interactions, basic curriculum planning and implementation, and program practices. It provides an opportunity for a well-rounded field experience.

Early Childhood Program Information

The Early Childhood program has established the following guidelines and policies in addition to those identified in the Southeast Technical College catalog, and in each Early Childhood course syllabus.


  1. Attendance is an important component of being a successful graduate of the Early Childhood program, as well as preparing you with the skills needed to be an effective employee in early childhood. As a technical college, we want students to be present to learn from each other, our environment and materials. 
  2. Attendance is expected for all classroom and lab experiences. Schedule appointments outside of class. Work commitments need to be completed outside of class schedule.
  3. If absent from class, lab or internship, notify your instructor prior to the scheduled day. Any material covered in class when absent is the student’s responsibility to obtain. Exchange information with a couple of classmates to ensure you have access to class materials and content.
  4. For the purpose of attendance tracking, students are either marked present or unexcused absence. Faculty members will not make judgment calls on what warrants a legitimate reason for missing class. Students are adults and need to make that decision.
  5. Being on time to class is fundamental. Not only is this an industry must, it allows for students to have uninterrupted learning time. Tardy students cause a distraction. Students are asked to be in the classroom, computer ready by the start of class.

Faculty may grant random points for attendance and arriving to class on time.

Students who are not able to campus due to a specific, unforeseen circumstance, please notify the instructor(s) of the classes you will be missing. At the decision of the Course Instructor, the following process may occur, based on student request.

  1. If a student (not a classmate) notifies the instructor(s) of the absence, and requests to attend the class remotely, the student must communicate this request a minimum of 1 hour before the scheduled class.
  2. Instructor will email back an approval or denial of this request.
    • If denied, the student is responsible for getting class information from other classmates as stated in the EC Handbook. Any points given during class will not be offered to the student outside of their absence per the EC Handbook.
    • If approved, the instructor will invite the student to the TEAMS link up to 10 minutes before the scheduled class time, so students need to be ready 10 minutes before class to accept the TEAMS request.
      • Student is expected to be at a desk, table and professionally prepared (dress, mental ability) to participate in class.
      • Student will be expected to keep their camera on during class. • Student will participate like other face-to-face students and will be eligible for class points offered.
      • Student needs to have audio, so questions can be asked and answered during the class.
  3.  Student who misses class with no communication with the instructor (not a classmate) will need to follow the guidelines in the EC Handbook.


  1. Early Childhood courses are point based, which means that every point counts! Tests, assignments, papers, homework and in-class work are all points used to determine your final grade. If one area is not your strength, use your abilities to make up points in other areas. Take advantage of every opportunity to re-work an assignment and extra credit opportunities.
  2. Students need to own their grades! If you want an opportunity to re-work an assignment, ask! Effort goes a long way in seeing a student’s willingness to learn.
  3. If a student would like to discuss a grade on an assignment or exam, the student must see the instructor after class to discuss the assignment briefly or make an appointment. Class time will not be used to discuss or review individual grades.
  4. Students must pass each Early Childhood specific course with a grade of C or higher in order to continue in the program. An overall GPA of 2.0 is required for graduation.


  1. All students are expected to produce college-level work. One of the goals of this program is to prepare students to be successful professionals. Part of having a successful image is the ability to produce neat, legible, coherent, and grammatically correct written materials.
  • Spelling, punctuation, grammar and legibility will be taken into consideration in grading all assignments. Misspelled words, incorrect grammar and messy assignments will be assessed.
  1. Students are expected to re-read and proof work prior to turning it in to the instructor. Students are encouraged to, and may at times be required, to have someone else proofread assignments before turning them in.
  • Any assignment turned in that is not typed or is unreadable with numerous grammatical and/or spelling errors may be returned ungraded. The student will need to resubmit the assignment with the instructor’s guided timeline and reduction in points.
  1. All assignments are to be typed with 11-12 pt. font and 1” margins all around, double spaced body. Each assignment should include a header stating the student’s first and last name, the course name, and the name of the assignment.
    (Microsoft Word: Insert/Header/Blank; type in information)
  2. Students should be prepared to discuss the topic of the day after reading, listening to, or otherwise completing the corresponding assigned material.
  3. In-class assignments will be completed and turned in by the end of the class.
    These assignments will not be accepted late. Students who miss a class will not be able to make up the missed in-class assignments.
  • Pop quizzes are not eligible for makeup points.
  • In class assignments may consist of participation points, small group discussion, video summary, and activities that are completed in class.
  • In class points range anywhere from 1-5 points per activity.
  • In class points may be documented in coursework based on each assignment or at midterm / end of the semester, depending on the instructor.
  • If in class points are missed, students have an opportunity to make up these points throughout the semester by completing extra credit work and volunteering in the community.
  1. Assignments are due according to dates and times publicized in coursework, whether the student is present or not. When assignments are due, they are due. Unless otherwise indicated, if an assignment is due on a given date, the assignment is to be turned in by the beginning of the class period (or time indicated on coursework).
  • If a student believes that additional time is needed to master the material and to complete work that is of professional quality, the student should speak with the course instructor prior to the assignment’s due date.
  • Students who anticipate being absent on the due date of an assignment, should turn in the assignment early.
  • If assigned material needs to be printed, students should budget adequate time before class to print the assignment so that it is ready to be turned in when class begins. Be sure to plan!
  • Printer problems frequently occur, so students may need to print at a different location than anticipated. There are many printers on campus. Students who plan to print just prior to the beginning of class should assume that many other students also may be planning to use the printer at the same time.


  1. Late assignments will be accepted only for extenuating circumstances, and at the discretion of the instructor. Students must ask instructor for late assignment options, noting that late work will automatically result in a 20% deduction of the graded assignment, and will not surpass one (1) week from the initial due date. No assignment will be accepted for grade after the final day of the course.


  1. Students are required to cite any resource that is used for assignments. Understanding the difference between writing in your own words, paraphrasing and directly quoting a reference is vital to your grade. Students should be using their own words during any assignments that are summary based. When students are asked to cite their resources, MLA formatting should be used.
  2. Microsoft Word assists you in this process. (References / Style / Insert Citation) or (Reference / MLA / Bibliography / Works Cited). Students who need additional assistance can ask instructors.


  1. Students may experience several different course modalities over the progression of their educational journey in Early Childhood. Students are expected to actively participate whether that is face-to-face, on Microsoft TEAMS or online instruction.
  • When students are involved in synchronist learning on TEAMS, students will be required to show their face, unless otherwise indicated by the instructor. This ensures a team focus and network learning for students.
  1. It is the responsibility of each student to take their learning seriously. Students are accountable for their own level of participation, teamwork and asking questions as needed.


  1. Laptop computers should be brought to each class session and be updated and ready prior to the start time.
  • Laptops and other devices are used for current classroom activities only. Studying or doing assignments for another subject/class while another class is in session is not allowed.
  • It is not acceptable to be on social media during class time, unless directed by an instructor. Computers can be used for note taking, but students using their computer inappropriately during class will be asked to shut their device down.
  1. Cell phones or other communication devices are not used while in the classroom or when interacting with children/families. These devices should be silenced and left with student personal belongings, not carried or left on the table.
  • If a student has a situation which would warrant the phone to be on the table, please address this with the instructor ahead of class.
  1. Note taking and study habits are important. To be an effective learner each student needs to organize their studies in a way that fits them best.
  • Note taking is highly encouraged. It is not as essential to write everything own from the power point slide, as it is to listen to what the instructor is stating and making notes that will allow you to recall the discussion later. Make shorthand notes or flag information for later study.
  • Study habits should be established from day one. Consider your schedule and block out times to devote to your studies. Campus has several great spots to study in each building. Take advantage of your time here on campus. Get into a routine and be successful. Establish a calendar system so you can visually see what assignments are due daily.
  1. When classroom/lab materials are used, students are expected to put them away and clean up, just as would happen in an environment when working with children.
  • There is a guideline booklet to ensuring the lab equipment and supplies are in their proper place. Points could be deducted for messy environments.
  1. Food and beverages may be brought to class. Students need to be respectful of fellow classmates, their electronic devices, and the materials that are positioned nearby. Be respectful of the classroom equipment (microwave, hot pot etc.) and clean up individual messes.
  2. Tables should be cleaned, and all trash disposed of at the end of class. Disinfect wipes are available and should be used on tables and chairs prior to your departure.


  1. Each student is expected to be polite, always engage in civil interactions with all members of the class and conduct him/herself in a professional manner.
  • Environments should be free from distractions such as late arrivals, early departures, inappropriate conversations and any other behavior.
  • Discriminatory, rude, and/or inappropriate language will not be tolerated in this class and students who do so will be asked to leave.
  • Disorderly or abusive behavior that interferes with the rights of others or which obstructs or disrupts teaching or classroom function is unacceptable.
  1. Each student should contribute frequently and consistently to class discussions and cooperative learning group activities. Students are expected to actively participate in class discussions and presentations. We can share our personal experiences and learn from each other.
  2. The Early Childhood program prepares students for the business environment, which requires professionalism daily. Each student is expected to bring her/his best self to class every day and to remember to always prepare for success.


  1. Early Childhood Educators are Professionals! The way we dress influences what others think of us and the way we feel about ourselves. A goal is to be “seen” as a professional when we are working with families.
  2. As a student of Early Childhood, we will consider our motto as “Dress for the Day”. In our field, there are many different occasions where you will be required to have different clothing to meet the needs of the industry.
  3. The following is an umbrella guideline, but individual instructors can require a different “Dress for the Day” depending on the class activity. General guidelines are as follows:

         a. Be watchful of undergarment or skin exposure. Ensure clothes are well fitted.
         b. Avoid clothing that is distracting, vulgar or advertises products or facilities that are not child/family friendly.
         c. Sleepwear is not acceptable, including footwear.
         d. Prioritize personal hygiene (hair, nails, body).
         e. Avoid heavy scented products and smoke odor.
         f. Avoid jewelry that may inhibit interactions with children.


  • Follow the general guidelines above.
  • Clothing should always be appropriate to our profession (i.e., no foul language, low cut, length awareness of shirts and pants, see-through attire).
  • If students’ attire is not child-family friendly, the instructor may ask you to change clothes, or leave class until appropriate clothes are worn. The instructor also has the right to assign or deduct daily points for appropriate or inappropriate clothing.
  • Students are not allowed to wear sleepwear tops, bottoms, or footwear. 


  • Students are required to wear an Early Childhood logo wear in a visible manner.
  • Long sleeved shirts may be worn under short sleeves for comfort.
  • Cardigans, jean jackets can be placed over shirt, if Early Childhood logo is visible.
  • Students must wear appropriate bottoms.
  • All colored denim jeans are permitted if there are no holes, worn areas, tears, fraying, dragging on the ground or unkempt.
  • No athletic wear, exercise clothing, yoga pants, short-shorts, or leggings. Bottoms must be a minimum of knee length.
  • Students are not allowed to wear hats/caps; unless previous approval is given by instructor.
  • Early Childhood jackets are to be worn over t-shirts and or can be worn over any solid-colored shirt.


  • Students are required to wear an Early Childhood Logo wear in a visible manner.
  • Long sleeved shirts may be worn under short sleeves for comfort.
  • Cardigans, jean jackets can be placed over shirt, if Early Childhood logo is visible.
  • Students must wear appropriate bottoms.
  • Students must wear business casual bottoms. All colored denim jeans are permitted if there are no holes, worn areas, tears, fraying, dragging on the ground or unkempt. No athletic wear, exercise clothing, yoga pants, short-shorts, or leggings. Bottoms must be a minimum of knee length.
  • Students must wear shoes that have a back strap and toes covered.
  • Student ID must be accessible by the student, and visible when appropriate or required by industry.
  • Early Childhood jackets are to be worn over t-shirts and or can be worn over any solid-colored shirt.

Note: When students are at an industry placement, they will adhere to that specific agency’s dress code, along with the Early Childhood program’s policy.


Instructor will indicate ahead of time which days are considered a professional day. Grading points may be administered by instructors.

  • Students must wear professional shirts, tops, collared shirt, sweaters, cardigans or professional jackets (non-distressed jean jackets are permitted). No t-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies or outerwear jackets are allowed during the experience. 
  • Early Childhood logo wear is not approved for Professional Dress Day.
  • Students must wear business casual bottoms. All colored denim jeans are permitted if there are no holes, worn areas, tears, fraying, dragging on the ground or unkempt. No athletic wear, exercise clothing, yoga pants, short-shorts, or leggings. Bottoms must be a minimum of knee length.
  • Students must wear shoes that have a back strap and toes covered.
  • Student ID must be accessible by the student.
  • Students are not allowed to wear hats/caps; unless previous approval is given by instructor.


  1.  As part of the learning environment and development of professional skills, students are asked to maintain professional conduct. Appropriate language, body gestures and behavior are expected of college students. Students who create any type of disturbance in the classroom learning environment may be asked to leave. Students may return to class only after discussing the situation with the instructor.
  • Disruptive behavior includes talking while the instructor is presenting, inappropriate language, using a cell phone, using social media, and engaging in activity not related to the current class.
  • There are two rules in the Early Childhood program that are posted in MC 169 classroom.

                #1: Every student has the right to learn.
                #2: Every teacher has the right to teach.

  1. Confidentiality regarding any child, family or facility information is expected. This includes but is not limited to information learned verbally or in written form. Students will sign an agreement to maintain confidentiality, which will be kept on file. Dismissal from the program may result if confidentiality is violated.
  2. Honesty in all communication is expected.
  • As a Southeast Tech student, you are expected to comply with all pertinent state laws and take personal responsibility for your conduct. If you experience an infraction with law enforcement, discuss its impact on your continuation in this program and/or employability in the Early Childhood profession.
  • Southeast Technical College has a strong policy on academic fraud that is included in every syllabus.
  • Academic fraud, stealing or dishonesty may result in penalty of up to failure of the course or dismissal from the program and may be referred to the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
  • Academic dishonesty cheats students of their own integrity. First off, it is unethical, but it also does not allow students to process information and apply their own skill to their work.
  • Academic honesty is vital and taken seriously in Early Childhood. If students are found to have plagiarized in a class, the academic advisor will be notified as well as the student.
  • Faculty members will be using a program called “Turnitin,” which allows for a student’s writing to be analyzed for plagiarism. Students are encouraged to use this same program before submitting documents.
  • The internet makes anything available with one quick click of the mouse. Usually, students commit plagiarism or academic fraud because they don’t understand what it is. It includes:
    • Failing to document sources
    • Paraphrasing something you read, saw or heard without referencing the
    • original work
    • Submitting another person’s writing or idea as your own
    • Having another person write an assignment and submit it as your own
    • Fabricating information
  • AI & Technology Assistance Policy
    • This class will have restricted use of software, apps, or other technology tools providing computer-assisted or artificial intelligence. Assignments allowing these tools will be clearly noted.
    • Do not use technology tools without instructor authorization.
    • This includes text generators, enhanced proofing tools, image creators, and math or science solution tools. Do not use a technology tool until you are certain your instructor approves. Keep copies of your prewriting, drafts, notes, and prototypes so you have a record of your original work.
    • Violations of the technology use policy will be considered cheating.
  1. Students in the Early Childhood program are evaluated on a regular basis by Early Childhood instructors concerning professional and ethical behavior. Dismissal from the program may result if a student comes to class/lab/practicum/internship intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances.


  1. A strong foundation in professional ethics and skill in applying it to the real-life workplace are essential parts of the professional repertoire of every early childhood educator and care giver. We care for children who are too young and too vulnerable to protect and care for themselves. A code of ethics assures society that we, as early childhood professionals, are serving the public good and that our services will be provided with acceptable moral conduct. Professional ethics help us as early childhood educators and care givers to think about our responsibilities to children, families, communities and society and to address some of the difficult situations we face every day.
  2. As an Early Childhood student who is enrolled at Southeast Tech, a signed Statement of Commitment is your personal acknowledgement of your willingness to embrace the distinctive values and moral obligations of the field of early childhood care and education. It is recognition of the moral obligations that lead to becoming part of the profession.


  1. Each student in the program will be assigned to an academic advisor. Students are required to meet with their advisor each semester. During this time, students can visit about concerns or questions about current courses or class activity. In addition, next semester courses are discussed.
  2. The responsibilities of an Early Childhood student are:
  • To know and abide by the Early Childhood Handbook.
  • To make an overall curriculum plan for meeting graduation requirements and to check progress toward graduation prior to each semester’s registration.
  • To know dates of registration and to complete registration at designated times.
  • To keep all appointments with the academic advisor or give notice of cancellation.
  • To maintain an overall GPA of 2.0 or higher.
  1. The responsibilities of an Early Childhood academic advisor are:
  • To keep all appointments made with students or give notice of cancellation.
  • To be aware of Southeast Technical College policies and procedures, including course prerequisites.
  • To assist students, as requested, in developing and reviewing an overall degree program.
  1. It is the responsibility of the student to contact the instructor, Student Success, or fellow classmates if difficulty is encountered or extra help is needed. Faculty or advisors can aid in connecting with a tutor or when seeking special accommodations.
  2. The following are supports that are available here on campus:
  • Library is located in the Mickelson Building by Student Success.
  • Tutoring is available free for students.
  • Accessibility Services are available, contact Instructor or Student Success for information.
  • Counseling is free and available in person as well over the phone, through email and via Skype. Contact instructor or Student Success.
  • Student Success is located upstairs in the Mickelson Building.
  • The Career Center is located within the Student Success Center. Assistance is available for locating job opportunities, interviewing practice, and writing cover letters and a resume. Email or call 367-7466 to set up an appointment.
  • Forming in-person and online study groups are great ways to expand your academic support system.


  1. Students are responsible for their own physical well-being and should make personal contact with a physician of choice when necessary. Students who have or acquire a significant health problem during the school year are advised to notify the instructors. This notification is necessary to safeguard student health and the health of the people with whom students care and work.
  2. Students who become pregnant during the school year need to notify their instructors. This notification is necessary to safeguard the health of the student as an expectant mother and the unborn child. The Early Childhood advisor will work with the pregnant student to assist in developing a plan that will best enable the student to continue with school and coursework.
  3. Students will be required to complete a wellness statement, immunization record, background screen re-check and additional forms before completing ECH 296: Practicum Capstone Experience. Forms will be provided the semester prior to this course requirement.


  1. The National Association for the Education of Young Children ( is the world’s largest early childhood education professional organization with a national network of regional, state, and local affiliates. There are more than 100,000 members worldwide working to bring high-quality early learning opportunities to all children from birth through age eight.
  • The South Dakota state affiliate is South Dakota AEYC (
  • The local chapter for the Sioux Falls area is Siouxland AEYC. For more information about the organization or student membership contact or your Early Childhood instructor.
  1. The Family Child Care Professionals of South Dakota (FCCPSD) is the statewide organization of the National Association for Family Child Care (, a group of professionals who are dedicated to supporting childcare providers and promoting high quality care for all children. For more information about this state membership, to receive the monthly newsletter, or participate in web discussion forums, go to
  2. Southeast Tech Early Childhood Organization (EChO) is the on-campus “club” for Early Childhood majors. The purpose of EChO is to provide collaborative opportunities, community service projects and professional growth of students. All students are welcome to be part of EchO and designated time and events will be published on classroom bulletin boards.


  1. As a part of the learning experiences at Southeast Technical College, students have numerous opportunities to volunteer beyond their coursework. These opportunities may involve work with children and their families. Volunteer opportunities may involve working to benefit the larger community. Some may involve volunteering opportunities on the STC campus.
  2. Volunteering can help students clarify their professional goals and objectives. Volunteering provides opportunities to explore questions such as whether to work directly with children, the preferred age of children, different types of programs or classrooms, and the kinds of involvement that is preferred.
  3. Volunteer work gives students the opportunity to expand their knowledge, to develop greater confidence, and to enhance their employment qualifications. Students may also gain satisfaction from knowing that their time and abilities are being spent in helping other persons/peers in some way.

Work Study: Students who receive college financial aid may be eligible for a work study job with Southeast Tech. Salaried positions may be available at the Scarbrough Center or other locations on campus. Interested students should inquire about eligibility in the Financial Aid Office.

Community: In the Sioux Falls area, there are many opportunities for employment. Childcare facilities often post with Career Services on STC’s page, along with posting in the classroom on the designated bulletin board. Students who would like an instructor to serve as a reference should let that instructor know of the request before she/he is contacted by a potential employer

Additional Forms