Jan 28, 2025  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Southeast Technical College Student Handbook

Student Life

Student Government Association (SGA)

Southeast Technical College’s Student Government Association (SGA)  serves as the student voice on campus and strives to make Southeast Tech a more enjoyable place to learn and attend classes. By becoming a member of SGA, students receive opportunities to participate in committee work based on individual interest and a wide range of campus and community activities. SGA activities during the year may include Fall and Spring picnics, Talent Show, Casino Night and several other campus and community service events. Representatives who serve on Student Government are selected from every program area. In total, about 70 students serve the campus through Student Government with 9 members serving as the Executive Board.

Student Organizations (associated with academic programs)

At Southeast Technical College, what you learn outside the classroom is as important as what you learn inside of it. That’s why we have a number of student clubs and organizations that will help you get involved on campus, learn in an extended classroom, and begin to make connections in the industry you are pursuing. Campus student organizations enhance the education offered in classes with competitions, guest speakers, tours, and other forms of learning. Approved student organizations are linked to a particular program area and are those whose purpose complement the mission of Southeast Tech and further enhance the program’s educational goals. Approved organizations may use the College’s name as part of the organizational title and are allowed to promote their organization on campus. For complete information, visit visit https://southeasttech.edu/student-life/clubs-organizations.php or contact the Student Activities Coordinator in the Student Success Center.

Student Clubs (social, special interest)

Student Clubs at Southeast Tech allow students to get involved on campus and to get linked with other students who have similar interests. While at Southeast Tech, plan to participate in one or more of these special interest clubs. You can even start your own! 

Approved student clubs may reserve space on campus and are allowed to promote their club through several means of advertising. For complete information, visit https://southeasttech.edu/student-life/clubs-organizations.php or contact the Student Activities Coordinator in the Student Success Center.

Please Note: These clubs are led by current students and may or may not be available or active every semester due to interest.

Intramural Sports

Southeast Tech’s Student Activities Coordinator works with students to coordinate numerous intramural sports. Students participate in intramural volleyball, basketball, and bowling, and use city and school district facilities for their activities. Recreational programs are supported by student activity fees paid upon registration and are open to all students.  

Southeast Tech Disc Golf Course

The Disc Golf Course at Southeast Technical College is a 9-hole course that stretches along the east side of campus, providing recreational opportunities for students, staff and the public. The Southeast Disc Course is part of the South Dakota Disc Golf Association.

Students, employees and the public tee off near the back door of the Mickelson Center on distinctive blue tee pads. The first two holes of the course veer north, then circle south to the Ed Wood Center, then end back outside of Mickelson.

Student Activities

A portion of enrollment fees is collected for student activities. The Student Activities Coordinator works with students to arrange entertainment on and off campus. Campus life wouldn’t be complete without fun activities to share with others while enrolled at Southeast Tech. For that reason, a variety of activities are held on campus for all students. Some activities include: Campus Wide picnics Talent Show , free entertainment, speakers, informational/education seminars, etc.

Contests for Students

Contests and activities which are sponsored by outside agencies and which involve participation by students or granting of awards or prizes to students shall not be announced or permitted on the campus unless approved by the President or designee. Such activities must be deemed to have educational value for the participants before permission may be granted. Contests must not place an undue burden on students or staff.

Study Habits

Proper study habits not only enhance the opportunity for you to earn good grades, but also provide opportunities for additional time to relax or work outside of school. For many of you this is your first opportunity to be free from the close supervision which you were accustomed to while attending high school. The responsibility of budgeting your time and activities is now up to you. The habits and attitudes formed while in attendance at Southeast Tech can be a real asset for you during future employment.

You are expected to complete all assignments on time. Immediate attention to assignments should be given top priority. If you have difficulty in developing proper study habits, feel free to consult with your instructor, the Accessibility Services Coordinator, or a Student Success Advisor.

Here are some hints that may help you:

  • Plan to do your homework at a regular time each day. The amount of outside study may vary with the course and the individual. It is better to do too much homework than not enough. Study regularly, beginning now.
  • Learn to take good notes during lectures. Do it neatly the first time so you will not have to copy them later. Remember, there are usually a few main ideas presented at a time.
  • Sharpen your ability to read. A slow reader may improve with practice. Reading with a purpose in mind will help you comprehend what you have read. Underlining or the use of a highlighter can be of value when learning important material.
  • You have to want to learn. Interest can grow if you honestly try to apply your lessons to practical situations. A greater interest comes with greater knowledge.
  • If you are having difficulty with your assignments or classes, discuss it with your instructor immediately. If the problem still exists, see a Student Success Advisor in the Mickelson Center.
  • Arrange for a student tutor to assist you through our tutoring services.
  • Your instructor will explain the basis for computing grades in his/her course.

Student Rights & Responsibilities

As a potential student, you, as a consumer, have a right to information about the school’s academic programs, facilities, full cost of attendance, tuition refund process, financial aid programs or any other information you will need to help you make your decision.

There are rights that each student is entitled to, and there are responsibilities that each student should accept. You have the right to

  • Know what financial assistance is available, including information on all federal, state, and institutional financial aid programs.
  • Know the deadlines for submitting applications for each of the financial aid programs available.
  • Know the cost of attending the institution and the school’s refund process.
  • Know the criteria used by the institution to select financial aid recipients.
  • Know how the college determines your financial need. This process includes how costs for tuition and fees, room and board, travel, books and supplies, personal and miscellaneous expenses, etc., are considered in your budget.
  • Know what resources (such as parental contribution, other financial aid, your assets, etc.) are considered in the calculation of your need.
  • Know how much of your financial need, as determined by the college, has been met.
  • Request from the Financial Aid Office an explanation of the various programs in your student aid package. If you believe you have been treated unfairly, you may request reconsideration of the award which was made to you.
  • Know what portion of the financial aid you received must be repaid, and what portion is grant aid. If the aid is a loan, you have the right to know what the interest rate is, the total amount that must be repaid, the payback procedures, the length of time you have to repay the loan, and when repayments are to begin.
  • Know how the school determines whether you are making satisfactory progress, and what happens if you are not.

It is your responsibility to:

  • Review and consider all information about the school’s programs before you enroll.
  • Complete all application forms accurately and submit them on time to the right place.
  • Pay special attention to and accurately complete your application for student financial aid. Errors can result in long delays in your receipt of financial aid. Intentional misreporting of information on application forms for federal financial aid is a violation of law and is considered a criminal offense subject to penalties under the U.S. Criminal Code.
  • Return all additional documentation, verification, corrections, and/or new information requested by either the Financial Aid Office or the agency to which you submitted your application.
  • Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0. A grade review will take place at the end of the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. A student failing to perform acceptable work may be placed on financial aid and/or probation/academic warning. A subsequent semester of unsatisfactory progress may result in financial aid suspension and loss of GI Bill ® benefits.
  • Read and understand all forms that you are asked to sign or submit and keep copies for your records.
  • Accept responsibility for all agreements you sign.
  • If you have a loan, notify the Department of Education of changes in your name, address, or school status.
  • Perform the work that is required for your College Work Study award.
  • Know and comply with the deadlines for application or reapplication for financial aid.
  • Know and comply with the school’s refund procedures.

For Additional Information go to http://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/


Southeast Technical College expects all students to conduct themselves professionally.  The College expects that all verbal, non-verbal, written, and digital communications within the school and workplace will meet professional communication standards as defined by the College and industry.  Failure to act professionally may lead to disciplinary action.  

Freedom of Speech

Southeast Technical College students are both citizens and members of the Southeast Tech community. Students should enjoy the same freedom of speech, peaceful assembly, and right to petition that other citizens enjoy and should abide by the obligations and expectations as members of the Southeast Tech community. 

Southeast Tech strives to create an environment in which diverse opinions can be expressed and heard. Students have the right to peacefully express their views and opinions, regardless of whether others may disagree, but not in such a way as to interfere with the rights of others or the operation of the college. Views expressed should not violate any of Southeast Tech policies or core values.

Student Parking

Southeast Tech students are expected to park in designated parking places. Students are not permitted to park in Reserved or Visitor parking areas. Students are also not permitted to park on yellow diagonal stripes, next to yellow curbs, or in fire lanes.

  • Parking lots will be periodically checked throughout the day.
  • Violators will be fined and may be towed.
  • Visitors to the Southeast Tech campus may be required to obtain a visitor parking slip for that day.

Handicapped Parking

Specifically designated parking areas have been reserved for disabled individuals. Parking in these areas is by special permit only and is monitored by Southeast Tech and city police. A handicapped parking permit must be visible and displayed where an officer can see it.

Vehicle Abandonment

Vehicles needing repairs should be worked on in the Southeast Tech shop or off campus. For safety reasons, vehicle repairs are not to be made in the parking lots.

Any vehicle found on Southeast Tech property that has not been moved for a period of three days or longer, with the exception of Southeast Tech housing vehicles, will be considered abandoned and will be towed at the owner’s expense. Should a vehicle break down on campus and additional time beyond the three days is required for repairs, the owner of the vehicle must report the situation to Southeast Tech security and receive permission for the vehicle to remain on campus. Without this notification, the vehicle will be towed.

Students dropping off vehicles to be worked on by one of Southeast Tech’s programs should drop the vehicle off no more than a day before the repairs are to begin or the vehicle may be towed.

Students who will be leaving vehicles parked on campus for an extended period of time due to a Southeast Tech program or organization trip should notify security.


Safety is an integral part of all programs and everyone is reminded of hazards that could cause an injury or fatality.

Active participation in accident prevention by both staff and students is an integral part of the instructional program.

It is the duty of each student to comply with safety and health standards and all rules, regulations, and orders which are applicable to his/her own actions and conduct while attending school.

Violations of safety to self and others and/or violation of safe operating practices of equipment may result in: the reduction or loss of a student’s daily grade; removal from class; and/or other disciplinary action.

General Rules of Good Safety

  • Personal protective equipment such as safety glasses, hard hats, etc., shall be worn at all times in areas requiring this protection. All shops require the wearing of safety glasses.
  • Safety guards and devices on machines and equipment shall be used at all times when the machines and equipment are in operation. Devices and guards must not be removed or made inoperative, and the machine or equipment shall not be used when the safety devices are not operating properly.
  • Reasonable cleanliness and maintenance in all work and on all equipment is expected.
  • All injuries, no matter how small, must be immediately reported to administration along with a completed accident incident form.

Fire & Emergency Evacuation of the Building

When the fire alarm sounds, all students and staff members will leave the building following these guidelines:

  • Leave quickly, quietly, walk fast, do not run.
  • Instructors and/or staff should close windows and doors, turn off machines, equipment and lights.
  • Use designated exits identified in each classroom.
  • Move a “safe” distance from the building with regard to traffic, fire lane, and ambulance route.
  • Return only after the “all clear” signal is given.
  • In case of actual fire, report names of missing students to administration.


Tornado watch: This is a general warning for a general area indicating that conditions are right for the formation of tornadoes.

Tornado warning: This is issued when there is a sighting of a tornado located in a specific area.

Action: When the tornado signal sounds, all students and staff members will proceed to an inside corridor (preferably on the lower level).

Inclement Weather

Announcements for school closings due to inclement weather will be communicated to local radio and television stations not later than 7:00 am for day classes and 4:00 pm for evening classes. An announcement will be sent through the Southeast Tech Alert System. Students commuting from outlying areas should use discretion and good judgment in attempting to attend classes during inclement weather. Students taking weekend classes should consult their instructor for inclement weather class cancellation procedures.

If school is canceled, provisions may be made to make up the day at some later date.

Southeast Tech Alert System

The Southeast Tech Alert System is a mass notification system used to effectively communicate physical, environmental, and weather related threats to students and employees of Southeast Tech.

A Southeast Tech Alert will be sent only to inform students and employees of an imminent emergency, such as a fire, tornado, threat of violence, chemical hazard, or of significant other events such as a school closing, snow emergency, or power outage. The Southeast Tech Alert system will send a voice message and an email message to all Southeast Tech employees and students. Individuals with a mobile phone number on file will also receive a text message alert.

When Southeast Tech sends out a call using the Southeast Tech Alert System, it will display caller ID information and the phone number 605.367.5553.

Technology Resources Policy

Individuals using the Southeast Tech network shall have no expectation of privacy or confidentiality in the content of electronic communications or other computer files sent and received on the Southeast Tech network.

Prohibited technology resource activities include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Sending, accessing, uploading, downloading, or distributing offensive, profane, threatening, pornographic, obscene, or sexually explicit materials.
  • Downloading or transmitting multi-player games, music, or non-educational video files using the school network.
  • Vandalizing, damaging, or disabling property of the school or another individual or organization.
  • Accessing another individual’s material, information, or files without permission.
  • Using the network or Internet, which also includes Southeast Tech e-mail and/or web pages, to solicit sales or conduct business. Users shall not set up web pages to advertise or sell services.
  • Releasing files, home address, personal phone numbers, user ID’s, passwords, or other vital information.
  • Violating copyright or other protected material laws without the express consent or authorization of the owner of the copyrights.
  • Attempting to repair, remove, or install hardware components reserved for an authorized service technician.
  • Subscribing to mailing lists, mass e-mail messages, games, or other services that cause excess traffic that can slow the system and waste other users’ time and access.
  • Users are responsible for all use of the network under their accounts, regardless of whether access is gained with or without the person’s knowledge and/or consent. Immediately notify the IT Department if you suspect any unauthorized use of your account. The user shall remain liable and responsible for any unauthorized use until the Southeast Tech Information Department is notified of the suspected unauthorized use and has reasonable opportunity to act upon such notice.
  • Intentionally damaging equipment or software or intentionally attempting to harm or destroy data of another person. This includes, but is not limited to, “hacking” and the loading or creation of computer viruses. The user who is responsible for the incident will be held liable for damages or cost of correcting the problem.
  • Attempting to log on to the Internet or network (servers, routers, switches, printers, firewall) as system administrator.
  • Installing, enabling, launching, or creating programs that interfere with the performance of the network, Internet, or hardware technology resources.
  • Attempting to defeat computer or network security.
  • Use of proxy sites or other means to circumvent the Southeast Tech filter.
  • Attempting to or installing equipment on or making modifications to the Southeast Tech network without pre-authorization from Southeast Tech’s Director of Information Technology/CIO.

Consequences for policy infractions will vary depending on the severity of the infraction which could include, but are not limited to temporary suspension of access to Southeast Tech Technology resources, referral to law enforcement authorities, and possible long term suspension or expulsion from Southeast Tech.

Legal Sources of Online Content: https://bit.ly/1bCYIAB

Southeast Tech does not guarantee that the network will be uninterrupted or error-free; nor does it make any warranty as to the results to be obtained from use of the service or the accuracy or quality of the information obtained on or by the network. Access to the network is provided on an “as is” basis without warranties of any kind. Neither Southeast Tech nor any of its agents or employees shall be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of the use of or inability to use the network or out of any breach of any warranty.

Security of the network at Southeast Tech is a high priority. Anyone observing a security problem on the Southeast Tech network should notify an instructor or the Southeast Tech Information Technology Department personnel. Any person identified as a security risk or having a history of problems with other computer systems may be denied access to the Southeast Tech network. Users shall be responsible for any costs, fees, charges, or expenses incurred under the person’s user account in connection with the use of the network except such costs, fees, charges, and expenses as Southeast Tech explicitly agrees to pay.

This policy may also be reviewed at www.southeasttech.edu

Student Searches & Seizures

Southeast Tech administrators and administrator designees are authorized to make searches of persons (including personal effects such as purses, backpacks, luggage taken on student trips, etc.) and lockers when there is reasonable suspicion to believe that a student is in possession of illegal, unauthorized, or contraband items.

General maintenance inspections of lockers may be conducted by College staff without student notice or consent, and without a search warrant. Any contraband discovered during such searches will be confiscated by the administration.  Administration may refer a student to outside agencies for assistance or to law enforcement officers, depending upon the severity of the situation.

Southeast Tech retains authority to conduct routine patrols of parking lots and inspections of the exterior of vehicles. The interior of a student’s vehicle on the school premises may be searched by an administrator if administration has reasonable suspicion to believe that illegal, unauthorized or contraband items are contained inside.

Student Commons

The commons areas are for everyone and each student has the responsibility to maintain high standards of cleanliness and neatness in the commons. Food is to be consumed only in the commons. Beverages are allowed in designated classrooms providing the beverage requirements are followed. Classrooms are not to be considered lounge areas.

Food and Beverages in the Classroom

These guidelines have been developed with the cooperation of administration and the Student Government Association.

The consumption of beverages in the classrooms and/or labs is a privilege, not a right, and this privilege can be granted or denied at the instructor’s, department’s, or administration’s discretion.

  • All drinks will be stored in a closed container. Examples include: cups with lids, thermal mugs with lids, bottles with screw-on caps.
  • The use of alcohol or other controlled substances on campus is forbidden at all times as outlined in this catalog.
  • All food is prohibited in classrooms and labs unless approved by the instructor.

Restrictions of Animals on Campus

Animals are not allowed on the Southeast Tech campus unless permission has been granted by an administrator, excluding service animals.

Distribution of Information (Bulletin boards, signs, etc.).

Southeast Tech respects the privacy of its students, and therefore adheres to a set of guidelines regarding the distribution of information to students. In all cases, prior approval must be received from the Student Activities Coordinator. Information may be posted in the hallways and on bulletin boards if:

  • It is done by a recognized student organization or club, or
  • It advertises a nonprofit benefit at no cost to students, or
  • It promotes an educational opportunity in line with the mission of Southeast Tech, or
  • It is an event receiving special permission from the Student Activities Coordinator or the Administration of Southeast Tech.

Information is not allowed on the tabletops of the commons areas or lounge areas without prior approval from the Student Activities Coordinator or designated staff located in the Administrative Offices of the other Southeast Tech campus buildings.

Personal Property

Students at Southeast Tech are responsible for any personal property brought to the college.

Southeast Tech is not responsible for damages, loss or theft of vehicles or personal property brought to Southeast Tech for repair or maintenance. Students are encouraged to remove all items of value from their vehicles before submitting them to a program for work or repair.

Telephone Messages and Cell Phones

Southeast Tech does not take messages from students to let their instructors know they will not be in class unless it is for an extended/serious illness. Students should use their instructors’ voice mail number or e-mail whenever possible. EMERGENCY messages will be taken for students, and students will be contacted during their class time. If the student is not in class when the emergency message is received, Southeast Tech staff may not be able to reach the student until his/her next scheduled class. The Southeast Tech staff member will explain that to the caller. If a school or daycare is trying to reach a student about a sick child, a staff member will attempt to find the student in the classroom.

The office and classroom telephones are for school use only and not for personal phone calls.

Cell Phones: As a consideration to others, the use of cell phones during class time, in the library, or in other study areas is prohibited. Cell phones should be turned off during these times.

Student Dress & Deportment

Southeast Tech students are required to dress appropriately for their instructional area. Students in certain programs are required to purchase lab apparel, scrubs or uniforms.

Students are expected to dress in a manner acceptable in their career field. Appropriate dress for other instructional areas will be expected. At all times, personal grooming, appearance, actions and language need to be appropriate for the educational environment. Unsafe, inappropriate or unsanitary dress, and clothing that are distracting or disruptive to the educational process, will not be allowed. Students not following these guidelines may face disciplinary action.

Weapons Policy

To ensure the safety of all students, staff, and guests of Southeast Tech, a weapons policy has been established.

No firearms, knives, throwing stars, explosive devices, air soft pellet guns, bows or arrows, or other potentially damaging items will be allowed on the school premises at any time. Knowingly possessing, handling, or transmitting any object or material that is ordinarily or generally considered a weapon is grounds for termination. This includes all school activities, on or off campus.

Any item brandished in such a way as to harm anyone will be considered a weapon, even if it is normally used as a tool in a program area. Students should report any threat made to them using a weapon to their instructor, campus security, or the Student Success Center.

With the presence of weapons or threats, the student in violation will:

  • Be suspended from school for a specified length of time.
  • Be turned over to authorities for criminal prosecution.

With physical harm to another, the student in violation will:

  • Be terminated from school.
  • Be turned over to the authorities for criminal prosecution.

This policy may be reviewed at www.southeasttech.edu

Visitors on Campus

All visitors of the Southeast Tech campus must be accompanied by a staff member of the school unless said visitor is attending a workshop or training session at the school.

Visitors, including secondary school students, may visit classes at Southeast Tech on an occasional basis with approval 24 hours in advance by administration and each instructor to be visited. At all times, visiting students are to be supervised by an accompanying adult. At no time will a visiting student be left unsupervised or left in the care of a Southeast Tech employee. Adult students who have children are solely responsible for arranging childcare services. Children excused from school due to holiday or illness should be left with a childcare provider, not brought to the Southeast Tech campus.


Vandalism is described as willfully causing or attempting to cause substantial damage to private or school property, stealing or attempting to steal private or school property of substantial value, or repeated damage or theft involving private or school property of small value. This includes all areas of the Southeast Tech campus including parking lots and all building facilities. Tampering with computers is also an example of vandalism. All acts of vandalism subject the violator to discipline, suspension, termination and possible criminal prosecution.

Communicable Disease Policy

Students who knowingly carry a communicable disease must reveal this condition to the Student Success Center so proper preventative measures may be taken. Failure to do so will subject the student to disciplinary measures on a case-by-case basis.

This policy may be reviewed at www.southeasttech.edu

Drug-Free Environment

Southeast Tech is established as a drug-free campus. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance or alcohol on the Southeast Tech campus or at a Southeast-sponsored activity by any Southeast Tech employee or member of the student body is expressly prohibited. Individuals under the influence of alcohol will not be allowed to remain in classes.

  • Students must notify the school in writing within five (5) days of any criminal conviction for a drug statute violation which occurred on campus or at a Southeast Tech event.
  • Students must notify the Student Success Center in writing of use of a controlled substance by other employees/students on campus or at a Southeast Tech event.

Discipline measures will be used for student violations of this policy. Discipline may include a reprimand, suspension, termination, expulsion, and/or referral to law enforcement. Individuals found in violation will be referred to the appropriate professionals and officials. The purchase of alcoholic beverages by persons under age 21 and/or the furnishing of alcoholic beverages to a person under 21 is prohibited under state law.

Drug-free awareness programs will annually inform employees and students of drug abuse dangers and resources for counseling support. These programs are coordinated by the Student Success Center.

Risk Statement: Substance abuse causes various health risks to the individual such as: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, depression, physical and psychological dependencies, suicide, accidental deaths, and other interruptions of normal daily living. Southeast Tech strongly supports the philosophy of the holistic well-being of each student.

Individuals with drug-related concerns will be referred to Southeast Tech’s personal counselor to discuss the availability of drug counseling and rehabilitation services. Southeast Tech complies with the Drug-Free Work Place Act of 1988. This college adheres to the guidelines set forth by the United States Office of Management and Budget on January 31, 1989. These guidelines require individuals receiving Federal Grants or working under Federal contracts to provide the college with a certified statement that their conduct will be drug free. Funds will be suspended for individuals found in violation.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy ACT (FERPA) protects student information from disclosure. The Higher Education Act of 1998 added a provision which states that FERPA cannot prevent a school from releasing information to a parent or legal guardian regarding the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance by a student, if the student is under the age of 21 and the institution determines that the student has committed a disciplinary violation with respect to such use or possession.

Southeast Technical College (in compliance with Southeast Technical College Policy GBEC/STC and GBEC-R/STC) requires a drug-free school environment.  All employees and students are required to comply with this policy.

  • The standards of conduct apply to all students who are registered at Southeast Tech for at least one course (credit or noncredit).
  • Southeast Tech students occupying on-campus, residential housing must sign and adhere to housing specific contracts regarding drug-free policies.
  • Standards of conduct also apply to all on-campus activities and to off-campus activities that are considered to be school-sponsored, such as officially sanctioned field trips.
  • The details of this policy are available upon request for employee and student review in the Student Success Center and can be found on the Southeast Technical College website.
  • Southeast Technical College supports rehabilitation of employees and students with drug abuse problems. (Please note that students requesting/receiving counseling services need to inform the counselors of any/all legal involvement as a provision of services. Recommendations and reports, as requested by the student, attorneys, and/or court of law are beyond the scope of practice provided by counselors here at Southeast Tech.)
  • Drug-free awareness programs and/or services will annually inform employees and students of drug abuse dangers and resources for counseling support. These programs are coordinated by the Counselor’s Office.
  • Abuse (manufacture, distribution dispersal, possession, or use) of a controlled substance on campus is prohibited.
  • Responsibility for enforcing standards of conduct are shared among administration, staff, faculty, students and security personnel.
  • Employees and students must notify a Southeast Tech Administrator in writing within five (5) days of any criminal conviction for a drug statue violation, which occurred anywhere on campus or during any Southeast Tech sponsored activity.
  • Employees and students must notify a Southeast Tech Administrator in writing of use of a controlled substance by other employees/students on campus or during any Southeast Tech sponsored activity.
  • Discipline measures will be used for staff/student violation of this policy.  Discipline may include a reprimand, suspension, termination, expulsion, and/or law enforcement referral.
  • Individuals found in violation will be referred to the appropriate professionals/officials.
  • Anyone who violates the policy is subject both to Southeast Tech’s sanctions and to criminal sanctions.

This policy may be reviewed at www.southeastech.edu.

Drug Testing for Commercial Drivers/Students

All those meeting the Federal definition of drivers required to have a commercial driver’s license and all students enrolled in a commercial driving program at Southeast Tech shall be subject to drug testing. All drug testing will be conducted in accordance with U.S. Department of Transportation guidelines and regulations. 

Use of Tobacco Products

Southeast Tech is a smoke free/tobacco free school. This means that smoking and other tobacco use is prohibited throughout the campus, ensuring that everyone has fresh, clean air to breathe anywhere on campus.  This restriction includes all forms of smoking and tobacco use, including electronic cigarettes (e-cig or e-cigarette), personal vaporizers (PV), electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) or any type of smokeless cigarette.


Southeast Tech is committed to providing a learning and working environment free of unlawful harassment based on an individual’s race, color, religion, creed, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, protected military/veteran status, genetic information or any other basis protected by law.

It shall be a violation of this policy for any student or any college personnel at Southeast Tech to harass a student, any college personnel, or any visitor through conduct or communication disparaging a person’s race, color, religion, creed, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, protected military status or genetic information or any other basis protected by law. This policy applies on all Southeast Tech property and to all Southeast Tech sponsored, approved, or related activities at any location.

Southeast Tech will act to investigate all complaints of harassment and will discipline or take appropriate action against any student or college personnel who is found to have violated this policy.

Harassment consists of physical or verbal conduct related to a person’s race, color, religion, creed, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, protected military status, genetic information or any other basis protected by law, when the conduct is severe or pervasive, and objectively offensive and:

  • Has the purpose of effecting or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive academic environment, or
  • Has the purpose or effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with a student’s academic performance depriving the student access to educational opportunities.

Sexual harassment is any unwelcome sexual advance(s), request(s) for sexual favors, and/or other verbal, physical and/or visual contact(s) of a sexual nature, or communication of a sexual nature when:

  • Submission to such conduct or communication is made, either explicitly or implicitly, a term of a student’s academic status or progress;
  • Submission or rejection of such conduct or communication by a student is used as the basis of educational decisions affecting the student; or
  • Submission to or rejection of the conduct or communication by the student is used as the basis for any decision affecting the student regarding benefits and services, honors, programs, or activities available at or through the school; or
  • Such conduct is so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that such conduct or communication has the purpose or effect of depriving the student access to educational opportunities or benefits provided by the school.

Sexual harassment may include, but is not limited to, the following conduct when such conduct is severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive:

  • Unwelcome verbal harassment or abuse based upon gender;
  • Unwelcome pressure for sexual activity;
  • Unwelcome, gender motivated, or inappropriate patting, pinching, or physical contact, other than necessary restraint of students by instructors, administrators, or other school personnel to avoid physical harm to persons or property;
  • Unwelcome behavior or words, based upon gender, including demands for sexual favors, accompanied by implied or overt threats concerning a student’s educational status; or
  • Unwelcome behavior or words, based upon gender, including demands for sexual favors, accompanied by implied or overt promises of preferential treatment with regard to a student’s educational status.

This policy may be reviewed on our www.southeasttech.edu.

For more information see Title IX/Sexual Misconduct/Sexual Assault/Sexual Offense    

Reporting Incidents of Harassment

Any student or parent of any minor student who believes he or she has been the victim of harassment as defined above by a student or by college personnel of Southeast Tech shall report the alleged acts immediately to a Southeast Tech staff member, Southeast Tech administrator, Southeast Tech’s Human Resource Specialist, or Southeast Tech’s Student Affairs office. A form for reporting harassment is available from Southeast Tech’s Human Resources Department.

Submission of a complaint or report of harassment will not affect the student’s grades or work assignments. Southeast Tech will make efforts to respect the confidentiality of the complaining student and the individual(s) against whom the complaint is asserted to the extent possible consistent with Southeast Tech’s obligations to investigate allegations of harassment and take appropriate disciplinary action, if appropriate.

The complaining student will be asked to complete and sign a statement setting forth the facts surrounding the conduct that includes: the complaining student’s name; date of the incident(s); type of harassment; description of the incident(s); name of any witnesses; and what action, if any, has been taken.


Hazing activities of any type are contrary to the educational goals of Southeast Tech and are prohibited at all times. No student, instructor, administrator, volunteer, contractor or other employee of Southeast Tech will permit, condone, or tolerate hazing.

“Hazing” means committing an act against a student or coercing a student into committing an act that creates a risk of harm to a person, in order for the student to be initiated into or affiliated with a student organization (school, group, club, team, activity, event, etc.) or for any other purpose. The term hazing includes, but is not limited to:

  • Any type of physical brutality such as whipping, beating, striking, branding, electronic shock, or placing a harmful substance on the body.
  • Any type of physical activity such as sleep deprivation, exposure to weather, confinement in a restricted area, calisthenics, or other activities that subject the student to a risk of harm or that adversely affect the mental or physical health or safety of the student.
  • Any activity involving the consumption of alcoholic beverages, drugs, tobacco products, or any other food, liquid or substance that subjects the student to a risk of harm or that adversely affects the mental or physical health or safety of the student.
  • Any activity that intimidates or threatens the student with ostracism, that subjects a student to undue mental stress, embarrassment, shame, or humiliation that adversely affects the mental health or dignity of the student or discourages the student from remaining in school.
  • Any activity that causes or requires the student to perform a task that involves the violation of city ordinance, state or federal law, or Southeast Tech policies or regulations.

Any person who believes he or she has been a victim of hazing or any person with knowledge or belief of conduct that may constitute hazing shall report the alleged acts immediately to an administrator.

Upon receipt of a complaint or report of hazing, an investigation will take place and appropriate actions will be taken for any violations of this policy.

This policy may be reviewed at www.southeasttech.edu.

Academic Integrity

Southeast Technical College seeks to create an academic environment promoting achievement by way of ethical behaviors that support the core values of the teaching and learning environment: fairness, honesty, trust, respect, responsibility, and courage.

Conduct that infringes upon these expectations, interrupts the academic mission or seeks to move the student along a path different from that which will reach professional success violates academic integrity. Southeast Technical College is committed to reviewing instances of cheating, plagiarism, or other academic integrity issues and assisting students in pursuing the best path forward.  Initially, Instructors will work with students in correcting academic integrity violations with actions such as:

  • A redo of the assignment or assessment. 
  • A lowered assignment grade or a zero for the assignment. 
  • A failing grade in the course.  

Additional administrative actions such as suspension or expulsion from the college are possible when the instructor is unable to resolve the academic integrity incident and forwards the incident on for higher action led by Academic Administration or the Academic Integrity Committee.


Students may appeal the decision of the Academic Integrity Committee by submitting to the Vice President of Academic Affairs, an explanation document as to why the decision is unfair along with any supporting documents.  This submission must be within one week of the committee’s dated report and attached to a copy of the committee report. The Vice President of Academic Affairs will review the documentation and follow-up with the parties involved when hearing student appeals of Academic Integrity Committee decisions.  The decision of the Vice President of Academic Affairs is final and not appealable.

Definitions of Cheating and Plagiarism

Cheating: Cheating is the act of obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for academic work by using dishonest means. Cheating includes but is not limited to: 

  1. copying, in part or whole, from another’s examination, paper, mathematical analysis, research or creative project 
  2. submitting as one’s work an examination, paper, image, mathematical analysis, research or creative project which has been purchased, borrowed, stolen, or made up 
  3. consulting notes, sources, or materials, including use of electronic devices, software, apps, or other computer-assisted or artificial intelligence technology not allowed by the instructor during an assessment
  4. having someone else take an exam or complete work for another
  5. misrepresentation for class attendance 
  6. assisting or committing any act that is a dishonest means of obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for academic work

Plagiarism: Plagiarism is using words, work, or ideas the student did not compose without appropriate acknowledgment, thus representing the product as one’s own work.  Examples include:  

  1. ideas, words, sentences, paragraphs, or parts of another’s work 
  2. musical composition, art, computer program or file, photographs, painting, drawing, sculpture, or research 

Professional Licensure/Certification Programs/Courses (Address Determination)

Student Location Policy for the Purposes of Federal Regulations, 34-CFR 668.43

A student enrolled in a Southeast Technical College degree program is determined to be located in the state of South Dakota if either of these are true:

  1. The student is living in STC Student Housing in their first term of enrollment in their program of study or course with professional licensure/certification. This includes admitted students with an active housing application on file for their first term of enrollment.
  2. The student has a “current address” in the student information system that is located in the state of South Dakota at the time of registration for their intial semester of enrollment in their program or course with professional licensure/certification.

Student Discipline

Students attending Southeast Tech are required to conduct themselves with respect for self and others through their actions and language. Student behavior will reflect favorably on the individual and on Southeast Tech, will show consideration for others, and will create a harmonious learning atmosphere. Students must recognize their individual responsibilities and obligations and discharge them in accordance with Southeast Tech policies, rules and regulations.

Students attending Southeast Tech are expected to comply with all federal, local and state laws and Southeast Tech policies, rules and regulations. Students are expected to take personal responsibility for their conduct. Disciplinary measures will be imposed when student conduct violates Southeast Tech policies, rules or regulations or threatens disorder, causes public disturbances, damages property, presents a danger to themselves or others, is of such a nature that continuation of the student at Southeast Tech would be detrimental or contrary to Southeast Tech’s mission or detrimental to the educational environment, welfare, or safety of the student or other students.

Disciplinary action will be fair, firm, and consistent, and most appropriate to the situation for all students at Southeast Tech.

Discipline may include any of the following:

  • A reprimand
  • Removal from classes
  • Short-term suspension (not to exceed five (5) school days)
  • Long-term suspension
  • Termination
  • Expulsion
  • Fines
  • Community service
  • Referral to Southeast Tech support services
  • Referral to law enforcement or other agencies

It is not possible to list every action that may result in discipline, and Southeast Tech reserves the right to respond to conduct or behavior not specifically listed in this regulation when such conduct threatens disorder, causes public disturbances, damages property, presents a danger to the student or others, is of such a nature that continuation of the student at Southeast Tech would be detrimental or contrary to Southeast Tech’s mission or detrimental to the educational environment, welfare, or safety of the student or other students.

The following student misconduct shall constitute grounds for student discipline, including suspension or termination when such activity occurs on school grounds or during participation in a school-sponsored activity or is of such a nature that continuation of the student at Southeast Tech would be detrimental or contrary to Southeast Tech’s mission or detrimental to the educational environment, or the welfare, or safety of the student or other students.

  • Use of violence, force, coercion, threat, intimidation, harassment, hazing, bullying, or similar conduct;
  • Use of disrespectful or obscene language;
  • Willfully causing or attempting to cause damage to private or school property, stealing or attempting to steal private or school property;
  • Tampering with equipment;
  • Causing or attempting to cause physical injury to a Southeast Tech employee or to any student. Physical injury caused by accident, self-defense, or other action undertaken on the reasonable belief that it was necessary to protect some person shall not constitute a violation of this rule;
  • Threatening or intimidating any student or Southeast Tech employee;
  • Knowingly possessing, handling, or transmitting any object or material that is ordinarily or generally considered a weapon on campus or at a Southeast Tech function;
  • Bomb threats, or false fire alarms involving Southeast Tech property or personnel;
  • Coming to campus or a Southeast Tech function under the influence of, or using, dispensing, or possessing on campus or at a Southeast Tech function a controlled or mood altering substance, such as steroids, marijuana, inhalants, alcohol or other drugs;
  • Use of or possession of tobacco on campus by a minor or smoking in undesignated areas - this includes the use of electronic cigarettes (e-cig or e-cigarette), personal vaporizers (PV), electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) or any type of smokeless cigarette.
  • Insubordination or being found to be habitually disobedient;
  • Participation in outside organizations or activities detrimental or contrary to Southeast Tech’s educational environment and mission or detrimental to the education, welfare, or safety of the student or other students;
  • Possession of pornographic materials;
  • Engaging in any activity forbidden by federal law, the laws of the State of South Dakota or the ordinances of the City of Sioux Falls;
  • Forgery or misrepresentation or misuse of any document, record, or instrument of identification;
  • Wearing clothing that may be disruptive or distractive to the educational process;
  • Reckless or exhibition driving on campus parking lots or streets serving the campus;
  • Sexual misconduct or any form of harassment of a Southeast Tech employee or student;
  • False reporting of any kind - incident, violation, misconduct, etc. 
  • Failure to adhere to Southeast Tech’s computer usage policy as outlined in the Southeast Tech Catalog/Handbook and the Southeast Tech website
  • Students, both residents and non-residents, breaking Southeast Tech on-campus housing rules or regulations.

Discipline Procedure Other Than Suspension or Termination:

Discipline, other than suspension or termination, may be imposed by a Southeast Tech administrator or designee after investigating the alleged conduct or violation. The administrator or designee shall inform the student either orally or in writing as soon as possible after discovery of the alleged misconduct. The student shall be informed of the rule, regulation, policy or law that has allegedly been violated. The student will be given an opportunity to answer the charges and present evidence in his/her behalf. The administrator or designee shall inform the student of the discipline to be imposed. The student may appeal the decision of the administrator or designee to the Vice President of Enrollment Management or the Vice President of Academics by submitting a written request within ten (10) calendar days after receiving the decision of the administrator or designee. The student shall be given an opportunity to answer the charges and present evidence either orally or in writing to the Vice President of Enrollment Management or the Vice President of Academics within ten (10) calendar days of submitting the written appeal. The Vice President of Enrollment Management or Vice President of Academics shall render a written decision within ten (10) calendar days of meeting with the student or from receiving the student’s written statement. The decision of the Vice President of Enrollment Management or the Vice President of Academics is final.

Discipline Procedure Suspension or Termination:

Southeast Tech’s President, Vice President of Academics, and Vice President of Enrollment Management have the authority to suspend or terminate students. If the administrator recommends suspension or termination of the student, the administrator must prepare a written report of the alleged misconduct and the conclusions of any investigation within ten (10) calendar days of the conclusion of the investigation and provide a copy of the recommendation to the student. The Vice President of Enrollment Management or the Vice President of Academics, after reviewing the administrator’s recommendation may exclude a student from Southeast Tech classes, organizations or activities pending further investigation into the student’s conduct. If suspension or termination is anticipated, the Vice President of Enrollment Management or the Vice President of Academics shall inform the student in writing within five (5) calendar days after receiving the administrator’s report. Prior to suspension or termination, the student shall be informed of the rule, regulation, policy or law that has been allegedly violated and given an opportunity to answer the charges and present evidence. The Vice President of Enrollment Management or Vice President of Academics shall render a decision within five (5) calendar days after reviewing the student’s submission and completing any investigation.

The President shall be informed of the decision by the Vice President of Enrollment Management or Vice President of Academics. The student may appeal the decision of the Vice President of Enrollment Management or the Vice President of Academics to the President by submitting a written request within ten (10) calendar days of receiving the decision. The President shall review the decision and conduct any further investigation deemed necessary. The student shall be given an opportunity to answer the charges and present evidence either orally or in writing within ten (10) calendar days of receiving the student’s written appeal. The President shall render a written decision within ten (10) calendar days of the meeting with the student or receiving the student’s written statement. The decision of the President is final.

This policy may be reviewed at www.southeasttech.edu.

Student/Public Complaint Process

Persons wishing to submit official complaints or concerns relating to Southeast Technical College, its policies, personnel, programs, or instructional materials should begin at the level closest to the source of the complaint. If a complaint or concern is not resolved initially, it may be referred to the next level in accordance with the appropriate Southeast Tech policy. Appeals to the President must be presented in writing. After receiving an appeal, the President will investigate the matter and respond in writing to the complainant within 14 calendar days. The decision of the President is final.

If not resolved at the lowest level, concerns, complaints and improvement suggestions can be made at: my.southeasttech.edu. Click on “Submit a concern, complaint or suggestion”.

POLICIES/REGULATIONS (for more details, go to: www.southeasttech.edu)

Non-South Dakota Residents taking exclusively online courses at Southeast Tech should first file any complaints with Southeast Technical College.  Any unresolved online student complaints regarding the belief that Southeast Tech has violated deceptive trade practices or consumer protections, or that the college does not meet standards established by the college’s accrediting agency or the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA), may be sent to the South Dakota Board of Regents (SDBOR). The SDBOR will only address complaints after a student has exhausted his/her appeals at Southeast Tech. Complaints involving student grades or student conduct violations are governed entirely by Southeast Tech policy.

KEA – Public Concerns/Complaints about Policies
KEB/KEB-R –Public Concerns/Complaints about Personnel