Dec 04, 2024  
Southeast Technical Institute Systems Portfolio 2017-2018 
Southeast Technical Institute Systems Portfolio 2017-2018
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4P2 Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning focuses on how the institution achieves its mission and vision. This includes, but is not limited to, descriptions of key processes for:

  • Engaging internal and external stakeholders in strategic planning (5.C.3)
  • Aligning operations with the institution’s mission, vision, values (5.C.2)
  • Aligning efforts across departments, divisions, and colleges for optimum effectiveness and efficiency (5.B.3)
  • Capitalizing on opportunities and institutional strengths and countering the impact of institutional weaknesses and potential threats (5.C.4, 5.C.5)
  • Creating and implementing strategies and action plans that maximize current resources and meet future needs (5.C.1, 5.C.4)
  • Tracking outcomes/measures utilizing appropriate tools

Engaging Internal and External Stakeholders in Strategic Planning (5.C.3)

Initiating the Strategic Planning Process 

Southeast Tech’s formal long-range strategic planning process is initiated by the President and occurs a minimum of once in every eight-year AQIP reaffirmation cycle. Both the Southeast Tech Council and Board approve the initiation of the planning process and contract for strategic planning services with an outside agency. Understanding the speed at which educational changes occur, however, Southeast Tech’s President may determine that a shorter timeframe is necessary for long-range strategic planning.

SP1:  Capturing Input

Once the agency is determined, the President, Council and Board representatives, along with internal and external stakeholders, meet with the strategic planning agency to determine the scope of work and phases of plan development.   

Although every strategic planning process varies according to the ever-changing needs of the Institute and the agency agreement, the following requirements remain consistent (Figure 4P2.1):   

Stakeholder Input:  Throughout the strategic planning process, capturing stakeholder input is vital.  Therefore, a variety of techniques are used to engage stakeholders:

  • Strategic Planning Committee:  A committee of internal and external stakeholders guides plan development, including setting goals and initial strategies.  The committee works directly with the agency to review/revise the Institute’s mission and vision and develop the strategic plan and measures.  The Southeast Tech President works with the Council and Board to determine committee membership that is a cross-representation of internal stakeholders from various programs and departments, including faculty, staff and administration, and external stakeholders from industry, local workforce agencies, state and local government, etc. (5.C.3).
  • Stakeholder Surveys:  Both internal and external stakeholder online surveys are conducted (5.C.3).
  • Focus Groups:  Throughout the process, focus groups of specific stakeholders, and individual interviews, may be held (5.C.3).
  • Draft Plan Review:  As the committee progresses in developing the plan, internal and external stakeholders are given the opportunity to review draft plans and provide input and suggestions (5.C.3). 

Besides stakeholders, additional input is also provided to the Strategic Planning Committee, including survey data (employers, employees, students), Key Performance Indicators and results (enrollments, retention and graduation rates, licensure pass rates, etc.), Capital Improvement, Equipment and other planning documents, etc.  

SP2:  Developing the Plan 

The Strategic Planning Committee develops the strategic plan, gathering additional stakeholder input throughout the development process.  Once the plan is completed, stakeholders are surveyed regarding support of the mission, vision, strategic plan.  Additional input is gathered, and any last minute adjustments are made accordingly.  Included within the Strategic Plan are outcome descriptions, measurements, and indicators of success. (5.C.3)

SP3 and SP4:  Approving and Communicating the Plan 

Finally, the President presents the mission, vision and strategic plan to the Southeast Tech Council and Sioux Falls School Board for final decision.  The plan is then communicated with all stakeholders through Council and Board meetings and minutes, Southeast Tech Website, inservice, and team and committee meetings.

Aligning Operations with the Institution’s Mission, Vision, Values (5.C.2)

By first reviewing and revising the mission and vision during the strategic planning process and then developing the strategic plan based on these changes, Southeast Tech assures that the strategic plan and the mission and vision are aligned.  Aligning operations to the Institute’s mission, vision and values then becomes part of the deployment process.

SP5:  Deploying the Plan  

Once adopted, Southeast Tech’s strategic plan guides deployment through the Institution’s budget, academic program, department, employee evaluation, assessment of student learning, and other planning processes, assuring alignment continues at the operational level.  These planning processes occur as part of the Institute’s Annual Planning process, which uses the same guiding process of capturing, developing, deciding, evaluating, publishing and reflecting: (5.C.2)

     AP1:  Capturing Annual Plan Input:  Every fall semester, the most recent Institutional data is provided to internal stakeholders.  Internal stakeholders review the data, the strategic plan and its goals, and Institutional and internal unit (departments/programs/teams/committees) targets and assessments, and other pertinent data.  

     AP2:  Developing the Annual Plan:  Using these inputs, the various Institutional units develop an Annual Action Plan for the upcoming fiscal year.  Figure 4P2.2 summarizes the key annual planning processes:

Figure 4P2.2 Key Annual Planning Processes
Processes Responsible Team or Individual Description and Actions

Budget Planning (5P3)

VP of Finance The Southeast Tech budget is the key planning document for all annual plans and serves the purpose of integrating all plans into a single, integrated annual Institutional plan.  As each of the plans below are developed, they are presented to the Administrative Team for recommendation as part of the Institutional annual budget plan. The Administrative Team reviews each action plan, makes adjustments as necessary, and develops the final annual plan for consideration by the Council and Board. During these conversations, administrators gather input from faculty and staff regarding program and department general budget needs, such as staffing, supplies, travel and professional development, etc. Administrators also gather information on capital equipment, capital improvement and technology needs. Department and program action projects are considered in the budget planning process. Information from these planning meetings is brought back to the Administrative Team for discussion and final decisions (5.C.2). 
Student Learning Assessment Planning (1P1, 1P2) Celebrating Learning Team To assure that assessment of student learning is integrated into the Annual Planning Process, the Celebrating Learning Team (CLT) produces assessment reports, which are presented to the Futures and Administrative Teams, and are communicated across campus. Within that report, the CLT makes recommendations and planning requests to meet assessment targets and assure student learning is integrated into the Annual Plan (5.C.2).
Academic Program Planning (5P3) VP of Academics

Southeast Tech’s Academic Administrative Team works directly with program personnel on Academic Program Planning.  Program faculty establish program action projects designed to improve the program and meet established targets that directly relate to Institutional mission, vision, and/or strategic plan.  Throughout the fall semester and early spring, faculty and academic administrators gather input from Advisory committees and other stakeholders and meet to discuss staffing and program funding needs, as well as program accreditations, future program goals, program expansion, student assessment, etc. Each designated program area submits its action plans and budget to the Administrative Team.  Budget priority is placed on successfully meeting these actions plans (5.C.2). 

Department/ Committee/ Team Planning (5P3) Department Supervisor Department (Admissions, Finance, Marketing, Financial Aid, Student Success, etc.) and Committee and Team (Student Success, Celebrating Learning, Education Design and Delivery, etc.) planning parallels the Academic Program Planning process. Action projects are established to improve department efficiencies, processes, services, outcomes, etc. that directly impact the Institute’s mission, vision, and/or strategic plan. Through meetings between department staff and the immediate supervisor, as well as input from various committees, teams, and external stakeholders, these areas develop and submit an annual action plan. Budget priority is placed on successfully meeting these action projects (5.C.2).
Employee Evaluation (3P2, 3P3) Department Supervisor Once professional development and training goals are set during employee evaluation, the department supervisor assures that the development and training are incorporated into program, department, and committee planning and therefore presented to the Administrative Team for inclusion in the Annual Plan (5.C.2).
Capital Equipment Planning (5P2) VP of Finance Through Program and Department Planning, capital equipment needs are developed and submitted for consideration to the Administrative Team.  As part of the Budgeting Process, the Administrative Team prioritizes equipment requests and places them on a multi-year Capital Equipment Plan (CEP), which identifies the items to be purchased over a rolling five-year plan. If funds are not available in a given year to complete an item, the item is reprioritized to another year. If funds become available, an item may be moved to an earlier year. This process allows Southeast Tech to focus on the most important equipment needs while maintaining an accurate list for the future.  
Capital Improvement Planning (5P2) VP of Finance Capital Improvement Planning (CIP) is developed in a similar fashion to Capital Equipment Planning (see above). 
Technology Planning (5P1, 5P2) Director of Information Technology Technology Planning is developed in a similar fashion as capital improvement and equipment planning; however, since technology needs frequently arise through student, faculty, and staff feedback, Helpdesk reports, student surveys of instruction or satisfaction, Advisory Committees, or committee and budget meetings, and frequently affect the entire campus, these needs are presented separately to the Administrative Team for consideration. The IT department compiles this information, which is presented to the other administrators by the Director of Information Technology.  Once identified, technology needs are prioritized by the Administrative Team, and items are either included as part of the budget or are carried over to a future year for consideration (5.C.5).
Foundation Planning (5P3) Institutional Advancement Office Foundation Planning centers on a 5-year Foundation Plan based on the Foundation mission to obtain, manage and allocate contributions to support Southeast Tech students. The current plan was approved by the Sioux Falls School Board in January 2009 and is reviewed and updated annually by the Foundation Board, Institutional Advancement Officer and Southeast Tech President. In this plan, the Foundation Board defines its key goals as continuing to build corporate awareness of the value Southeast Tech brings to the community through workforce development and supporting student success through scholarships and targeted initiatives.
Marketing Planning (5P3) Marketing Coordinator

Since marketing is such a critical aspect of Institute success, Southeast Tech has established a Marketing Plan, which is developed by the Marketing Department and approved by the administrator overseeing the department.  The plan is included as part of the Annual Planning process.

     AP3:  Deciding on the Annual Plan:  Culminating all key planning processes into the Annual Planning Process assures that all plans are considered and are integrated into an Institutional Annual Plan that best meets the Institute’s mission, vision and strategic plan.  During its review of the budget documents in the spring and again during the Administrator Summer Retreat, Southeast Tech’s Administrative Team finalizes the Annual Plan for the upcoming fiscal year.  During this same process, the Administrative Team reviews previous annual plan results, Key Performance Indicator results, and other data and input, and incorporates this information into the decision-making process and annual plan. The plan is then presented to the Council for approval and recommendation to the Sioux Falls School Board.  Finally, the Board approves the annual plan as part of its budget approval process.  

     AP4:  Deploying the Annual Plan:  Deployment begins by communicating the Annual Plan to employees and stakeholders. The Annual Plan is shared with stakeholders through board meetings, published documents (President and Council reports), the Southeast Tech website, In-Service Days, Monthly Meetings, and team and committee meetings, as well as during other processes, such as budgeting, program/department planning, etc. The Annual Plan is also documented in the Planning and Assessments database, which requires each planning item to be linked directly to the Institutional strategic plan or the mission, vision and values, and is available for review by all employees.  

Deployment is then decentralized with programs, departments, committees and teams taking responsibility for the implementation of assigned action projects.  The Administrative Team oversees deployment within their assigned responsibility areas, and the Futures Team, which oversees the Institute’s continuous quality initiatives, oversees deployment of the Institute’s quality initiatives (6P 2 ) and assures alignment is maintained among all levels of the plan. Two annual status updates on action projects (one in the fall and one in the spring) are required (beginnning 2017-2018) and are documented in minutes and/or database updates.  The Futures Team assures that notification and completion of updates occurs.

     AP5:  Evaluating Annual Plan Implementation:  Evaluation of Annual Plan implementation occurs at several levels and a minimum of twice a year, shortly after the status updates are completed.

  • Budget (5P3):  Administrators and employees have access to the budget.  Those employees with direct oversight to budget expenditures can be given rights to view their direct budget expense levels 24/7.  Updates on overall budget expenditures are presented by the Finance Office to the Administrative Team during weekly team meetings.  Adjustments are made accordingly.
  • Student Learning Assessment (1P1): The Celebrating Learning Team assures that assessment processes, including development, training, assessment, actions and reflection on assessments occurs at the Institutional and program/department level.  Reports are presented to the Futures Team, which are then forwarded to the Administrative Team. 
  • Academic Program/Department:  Program and department personnel meet with or submit status updates to their immediate supervisor, who reviews the updates and determines if any adjustments are necessary.  The supervisor communicates back to the program or department any necessary adjustments or changes.
  • Team/Committee: Southeast Tech’s Futures Team oversees the actions of the Institute’s AQIP teams and Institutional standing committees (6P 2 ).
  • Capital Equipment/Improvement (5P2):  Assuring that capital equipment and capital improvement planning are implemented effectively is the responsibility of the immediate area supervisor.  These improvements are generally tied to a specific action project and therefore updates on implementation are part of the Academic Program/Department Planning updates.  Regardless, it is the immediate supervisor who assures that an evaluation of this planning takes place.  
  • Technology (5P1, 5P3):  While some Technology Planning occurs within academic program/department areas, the majority of planning occurs within the Information Technology department.  Therefore, the evaluation of this planning occurs within that department in a manner similar to other departments (5.C.5).
  • Foundation:  The Foundation’s Board is responsible for the Foundation Planning evaluation and is overseen by the Foundation Director.
  • Marketing:  The Marketing Director and the immediate supervisor are responsible for the evaluation of the Marketing Plan.

The Southeast Tech Council receives updates on the Annual Plan evaluation a minimum of twice a year during scheduled meetings to determine progress toward the established annual goals, as well as the progress toward the Strategic Plan.  Adjustments are made accordingly.  Evaluations are documented in both meeting minutes and as part of the Southeast Tech Planning and Assessments database, including outcome measures.  Analysis statements and future initiatives based on this analysis are also documented in the database and frequently appear in the Institute’s Systems Portfolio.

Final Annual Planning evaluation occurs with the Administrative Team as part of the development of the following fiscal year Annual Planning process and during the Summer Retreat.  

     AP6:  Publicizing Plan Results:  Final results and outcome measures are documented at the end of the year in the Planning and Assessments database, including an Annual Update for each action project. The Administrative Team then aggregates the data results into a single report that is disseminated to all stakeholders through the Southeast Tech website and includes the planning targets, outcome measure results, benchmarking, and analysis.  The report is presented to both the Board and Council for further review.  

     AP7:  Reflecting on Annual Planning:  During the evaluation process, input is also gathered on the Annual Planning process itself.  Each area reflects on how well the process met their needs, and suggestions are provided to administration through final reports and surveys on ways to improve the Annual Planning process.  The Futures Team reflects on the progress of the teams and committees as they relate to meeting Institutional goals and how well the overall process and team/committee structure is working. Information from these reviews is provided to the Administrative Team, which reviews the reports and suggestions, continues the reflection process, and develops process improvements.  Similarly, the Council and Board reflect on the process during the evaluation process and make process adjustments as well.

SP5:  Integration into the Strategic Plan

Annual Planning results are integrated into the Strategic Plan, including analysis, targets, outcome measures, and benchmarks.  

SP6:  Evaluating the Strategic Plan

Once integrated, the Strategic Plan results are evaluated by the Administrative Team.  A Strategic Plan Annual Update Report is developed and provided to the Council for further evaluation, approval and recommendation to the Board.  Finally, the report is reviewed and approved by the Board.

SP7:  Publishing Strategic Plan Outcomes

The Strategic Plan Outcomes are then published and presented to Southeast Tech stakeholders through the Southeast Tech website, email, e-newsletters using Southeast Tech’s Career Connections software, etc.

Results of the Strategic Plan, including measurements, is documented in the Planning and Assessments database.

SP8:  Reflecting on the Strategic Plan

An overall reflection on the Strategic Plan is developed by the Administrative Team using the input provided through the Annual Plan reflection process.  This information is presented to the Council for recommendation and approval by the Board.

SP9:  Strategic Plan Continuation

The Strategic Plan Reflection Process provides the Administrative Team, Council and Board the opportunity to review the results of the Strategic Plan as well as possible future Strategic Plan action projects. Each year a decision is made regarding the continuation of the current strategic plan or the development of a new one.  If the Administrative Team, Council and Board determine a new Strategic Plan is necessary, the process begins at SP1.  If the decision is made to continue with the current Strategic Plan, the process continues at AP1. This provides the Institute with an annual process for reviewing the Strategic Plan and determining if the plan is still meeting the Institute’s and its stakeholder’s needs.

Aligning Efforts Across Departments, Divisions, and Colleges for Optimum Effectiveness and Efficiency (5.B.3)

The Strategic and Annual planning processes both work to assure alignment of efforts across departments, divisions and programs, helping the Institute assure effectiveness and efficiency in its budget allocations and resources.  However, several additional key methods are used to assure this alignment:

  • Module Managers Monthly Meetings - Key users of the administrative software system, representing each module, meet monthly to assure communication occurs regarding any upcoming change requests and software updates.
  • Academic/Student Support Monthly Meetings - Academic Administrators meet with support staff from Admissions, Financial Aid and Student Success to discuss academic, student support and enrollment information.  The meetings help the Institute assure that all areas are informed on what is happening within the Institute.
  • Administrative Team Meetings - The Administrative Team meets weekly to discuss the current status of projects and actions within each area, as well as to review Institutional concerns, needs and budget.
  • Monthly Institutional Meetings - Southeast Tech holds monthly all-employee meetings to share information with all employees about issues important to the Institute. 
  • Monthly Building Meetings - Academic Administrators hold monthly meetings with faculty regarding issues directly related to academics. These meetings are also attended by staff members from Admissions and Student Success in order to share the information with other departments.
  • SGA Meetings/Decision Board - The Student Government Association meets on a monthly basis to assure that students are aware of campus initiatives as well as to gather student input on issues important to them.  Whenever SGA has a concern or request that is beyond the ability of the Association to change or implement themselves, the Decision Board meets to discuss these items and determine a course of action.  In come cases, the Decision Board can grant approval and implement the request.  If not, the Decision Board makes a recommendation to the Administrative Team, which then determines a course of action.  The Decision Board then assures that communication back to SGA and the student body occurs (5.B.3). 

Capitalizing on Opportunities and Institutional Strengths and Countering the Impact of Institutional Weaknesses and Potential Threats (5.C.4, 5.C.5)

The Strategic Plan Steering Committee’s process of capturing and analyzing input from the Institute’s various stakeholders prior to plan development, including the Institute’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and potential threats, and documenting and using that analysis as part of the Strategic Plan itself, assures that the Committee develops a plan that can best capitalize on and meet Institutional and stakeholder needs (SP1). Annual review of the Strategic and Annual plans, which provides an opportunity for reflection and adjustment, further assures that the Institute takes into account changing Institutional and stakeholder needs (AP7, SP8). (5.C.4) (5.C.5)

Throughout the Annual Planning process, Southeast Tech administration considers Institutional risks and adjusts the budget accordingly (5P3). Southeast Tech approaches every budget year with conservative estimates both in terms of revenue and expenses. Any major increases in budget allocations require support documentation and justification. This justification must include how the budget increase will help Southeast Tech reach its strategic goals and how the increase will be funded. The President makes final decisions regarding the budget before it is presented to the Southeast Tech Council. The Council reviews the budget and makes any additional necessary adjustments. Once a budget has been adopted, the opportunity for a supplement can be addressed as need arises, but the change must be approved by the Council and the Sioux Falls School Board. (5.C.4) (5.C.5)

Southeast Tech maintains approximately 20% of its budget in reserves. Reserve funds may be utilized for emergency purposes. (5.C.4) (5.C.5) 

Creating and Implementing Strategies and Action Plans that Maximize Current Resources and Meet Future Needs (5.C.1, 5.C.4)

Southeast Tech relies on its Strategic and Annual Planning processes to assure that both plans create strategies and action plans that maximize current resources, meet future needs and are aligned with the mission and Institutional priorities.  Both planning processes include outcomes and measures by which the Institute can gauge progress. (5.C.1) (5.C.4) 

The Board and Council holds the President accountable for achieving strategic outcomes via these measures, and the President holds each member of the Administrative Team accountable for creating and achieving progress toward annual objectives for key operational areas as developed through the Annual Plan. (5.C.1) 

Year-end reports on both Strategic and Annual planning strategies and actions is presented to the Council and Board and published in a formal document made available to Southeast Tech stakeholders. The performance report includes strategy and action outcomes, including targets, measures and analysis of results, both for the current year and previous years for the Strategic Plan. (5.C.1)

Tracking Outcomes/Measures Utilizing Appropriate Tools

With the development of Southeast Tech’s new Strategic Plan, the Institute is redefining and improving the outcomes and measures it tracks and uses for improvement.  Based on the new Strategic Plan, Southeast Tech’s Annual plans are developed to support and accomplish the goals of the Strategic Plan and will include Annual Plan targets that help the Institute gauge annual performance toward the Strategic Plan targets.  These Annual Plan targets, set by the Administrative Team and approved by the Council and Board, will be reviewed annually during the budget review process (5P3), along with the KPI and movement toward successful completion of the Strategic Plan goals and its targets.  Therefore, the following outcome measures will be tracked and reviewed annually:

  • Strategic Plan Targets
  • Annual Plan Targets

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