Mar 13, 2025  
Southeast Technical Institute Systems Portfolio 2017-2018 
Southeast Technical Institute Systems Portfolio 2017-2018
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2R3 Key Stakeholder Needs Results

What are the results for determining if key stakeholder needs are being met?

• Summary results of measures (include tables and figures when possible)
• Comparison of results with internal targets and external benchmarks
• Interpretation of results and insights gained

Summary Results of Measures with Internal Targets, Interpretation, and Insights Gained

Information on Employer Survey results directly related to graduate performance is provided in Table 1R4.3 as part of program quality (1R4). The survey is given every other year and surveys employers of graduates from the past two years who have been employed in field or a related field. Therefore, this section will provide the results from the Employer survey that directly relate to Southeast Tech as an Institute. Table 2R3.1 provides employer survey results from 2007 through 2015 on eight key Institutional-level categories as well as an overall Institute grade.  An inital target of 4.00 (very good) was set for each category.  As the table indicates, the Institute reached this target in all areas except “Equipment” where the measure (3.96) was just slightly under the target.  In fact, besides “Equipment”, the “Meets Company Needs” is the only other category to ever fall below the 4.0 mark.  Southeast Tech also asks employers to grade Southeast Tech.  Results have ranged from 91.95% (2007) to the Institute’s highest rating of 92.79% during this past survey cycle (2015).  

Graduate placement results is another measurement of meeting stakeholder needs.  Table 1R4.4 Placement Rates (1R1) provides this data.  Southeast Tech’s six-month placement rates of over 95% annually, and in-related field placement rates of 88.7% to 93.9% indicates the success of the Institute in meeting workforce needs.

Southeast Tech currently does not have comparison results to external benchmarks.

Interpretation of Results and Insights Gained

Although all of the results are excellent, the Institute believes its new External Stakeholder Relationships Team and new process for building these relationships will move the Institute forward and increase external stakeholder satisfaction.  Southeast Tech conducted the Employer Survey again in spring/summer 2017 with the results expected to be available in July 2017.  Once compiled by the Office of Institutional Research, the External Stakeholder Relationships Team will review the results and determine future actions during its summer retreat.  At that time, the Team will also determine what addtional measures the Team should establish.

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