Southeast Technical Institute Systems Portfolio November 2010 
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Southeast Technical Institute Systems Portfolio November 2010 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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8P1 Key Planning Processes

STI uses a continuous quality improvement process framework when implementing key plans. As Chart 8.1 shows, the process consists of these steps: develop (plan), communicate, implement, evaluate, and revise and celebrate. 

Table 8.1 describes STI’s key planning processes and the individuals, groups and/or teams responsible for these processes. These processes align with STI’s mission of educating for employment.

Table 8.1 Key Planning Processes

Responsible Team or Person
Key Input Teams or Individuals
Strategic Planning
President Futures Team
STI Council, School Board, Administration, AQIP Futures Team
VP of Finance
Administration, Program Teams, STI Departments
Academic Program Planning VP of Academics Administration, Program Teams, Advisory Committees, Curriculum Committee, AQIP Education Design and Delivery Team
Capital Equipment Planning
VP of Finance
Administration, Program Teams, STI Departments
Capital Improvement Planning
VP of Finance
STI Council, Administration, Program Teams, STI Departments
Technology Planning
Director of Information Technology
Administration, Information Technology Department, Academic Technology Committee, AQIP Education Design and Delivery Team, LMS Technology Committee, Campus Management Systems Committee, Program Teams, STI Departments
Department Planning
Administrator in charge of department
Department Staff
Business and Industry Training Planning
Director of Business and Industry Training
Administration, Business and Industry, BIT Faculty
Foundation Planning
Foundation Director
President, Foundation Board
Marketing Planning
Marketing Coordinator
Marketing Committee

Strategic Planning

STI’s strategic planning process guides the institution’s budget, academic program, and other planning processes. The process enables the institution to identify priorities, address stakeholder needs, and accomplish its mission and goals.

Strategic Goals are developed every 3 to 5 years and are reviewed and revised annually. The process begins with a review of the institute’s mission, vision, and values, and the successes and failures of the previous strategic goals. This is followed by a SWOT analysis of the institution. From this analysis and review, draft goals and objectives are established. The goals are further defined and discussed using the following questions:

  1. Does STI want to pursue this goal/objective?
  2. Does this objective fit within this goal?
  3. How will STI monitor progress and measure results for this goal or objective?
  4. Is the objective strategic or an on-going operational activity?

STI’s 2010-2011 strategic goals, with their objectives, connection to the AQIP categories, and Targets are listed in Table 8.2.

Table 8.2 STI Strategic Goals, Objectives and Targets for 2009-2010

Goal Priority
AQIP Category Target
#1 Student Success
Increase number of students who complete programs
Helping Students Learn 60% Graduation Rate

Maintain quality and relevance of programs
Helping Students Learn 100% of Eligible Programs  Maintain Accreditation Status

Increase student achievement of licensures, certifications, and other recognized indicators of success
Helping Students Learn 100% of Programs with Students Above National Mean Licensure/Certification Pass Rates

Develop new programs
Helping Students Learn Two New Programs for fall 2011
#2 Leverage Resources
Continue plan of capital improvement
Supporting Institutional Operations Completion of the STI Success Center by fall 2011 (AQIP Action Project)

Develop funding sources
Supporting Institutional Operations STI Foundation Develops Additional Industry Partnerships

Develop human resources
Valuing People Creation of a Faculty Development Process (AQIP Action Project**) and Staff Orientation Process by 2011

Revise and implement marketing, sales & recruitment plan
Supporting Institutional Operations and Planning Continuous Improvement Continue Implementation of Plan for Low Enrollment Programs

Link performance analysis to budget, planning & decisionmaking
Measuring Effectiveness and Planning Continuous Improvement Develop a Budget Document that Includes Data, Action Projects, and Targets for All Cost Centers by fall 2011

Enhance Information Technology resources and services
Supporting Institutional Operations Complete Printing Solution Implementation, Communication System, Enhanced STI Alert Features, Enhanced Wireless Network (AQIP Action Project), and Enhanced Laptop Inventory/Asset Management System by fall 2010
#3 Collaborative Relationships
Identify and benchmark with peer group partners
Building Collaborative Relationships Participate in the National Community College Benchmark Project (NCCBP) and use data for Improvements

Develop articulation partnerships
Building Collaborative Relationships Develop a Nuclear Medicine Program Articulation Process by fall 2012*

Foster business, industry, and community partnerships
Building Collaborative Relationships Develop Ten New Partnerships and Maintain Current Industry Relationships

*Fall 2010: Articulation for six health programs with the University of South Dakota has been approved and will be implemented for Fall 2011.
**Fall 2010 Implementation of AQIP Action Project: Comprehensive Faculty Training

Participants in the planning process include a strategic planning committee called the AQIP Futures Team, which includes representation from faculty, staff, and administration (including the STI President). Additional input is sought from faculty and staff by providing them the opportunity to review the draft strategic plan. Community input is provided through the STI Council and Sioux Falls School Board.

Once a strategic plan is developed, the STI Council reviews and recommends the plan for approval by the Sioux Falls School Board. The School Board has final authority to approve the STI Strategic Plan. Communication of the strategic plan is accomplished through meetings, publications, web site postings, and presentations to internal and external stakeholders.

The AQIP Futures Team meets periodically to review and revise the strategic plan and monitor progress toward goals as needed. STI’s Administrative Team interprets the strategic plan by setting yearly institutional projects for each strategic objective. Institutional projects are tied to the mission and strategic goals, communicated to faculty and staff in the fall, and implemented throughout the year. The strategies include measurable goals, completion timelines, assignment of administrative responsibilities, and status updates and notes. Status is reviewed in weekly Administrative Team meetings and quarterly STI Council meetings. Implementation is accomplished through the appropriate committee, program, or departments. Updates on projects are given at STI’s Monthly Meetings, through emails such as Jeff’s Corner, at committee or team meetings, or as written documents posted on the STInet site.


The STI budget is the key planning document for other plans. Each fall, STI begins its budget planning process, which involves all areas of the institute and requires input from every department and program. During these conversations, administrators gather input from faculty and staff regarding program and department general budget needs, such as staffing, supplies, travel and professional development, etc. Administrators also gather information on capital equipment, capital improvement and technology needs. Department and program action projects are considered in the budget planning process. Information from these planning meetings is brought back to the Administrative Team for discussion and final decisions. Once completed, the budget is presented to the STI Council by STI Administration and staff as part of a Budget Review Committee. The recommendation of the STI Council is sent to the Sioux Falls School Board for final approval.

Academic Program Planning

STI’s Academic Administrative Team is responsible for working with faculty on program planning. The planning begins with program faculty identifying three program action projects  each fall and developing program priorities to be discussed during the budget and program planning meetings. Faculty and administration discuss staffing and program expense needs as well as program accreditations, future program goals, program expansion, etc. Information gathered from Advisory Committees and other stakeholders is also shared at this time.

A yearly faculty Academic Planning Calendar  has been developed to assist faculty in the completion of all required planning steps and reports.

Capital Equipment and Capital Improvement Planning

Capital equipment and capital improvement needs are prioritized by the Administrative Team and are placed on the Capital Equipment and Capital Improvement plans. These plans identify the items to be addressed each year for up to five years in the future. If funds are not available in a given year to complete an item, the item is reprioritized to determine if it moves to another year. If funds become available, an item may move to an earlier year. The process allows STI to focus on the most important items while maintaining an accurate list for all needs.

Technology Planning

Institute Technology needs arise from students, faculty, and staff feedback, Helpdesk reports, Information Technology Department meetings, student surveys of instruction, student satisfaction surveys, Advisory Committees, and STI committee and budget meetings. Once identified, technology needs are prioritized by the Administrative Team, and items are either included as part of the budget or as part of the Capital Equipment or Capital Improvement plans.

Department Planning

Similar to program planning, Department Plans (Admissions, Finance, Marketing, Financial Aid, Student Success, and other departments) parallel the Academic Program Planning process. Department action projects are developed throughout the year through meetings between the appropriate administrator and staff, and are then implemented throughout the year. These strategies focus on improving processes and services to better meet student needs. Strategies requiring funding are placed in the department budget for consideration by the Administrative Team.

Business and Industry Training Planning

The Business and Industry Training (BIT) Division is beginning a strategic planning process in order to review and revise business and personnel practices. This process will help the division bring its operations to a “best practices” standard to better serve both internal and external customers.

BIT is undertaking a significant software upgrade as the division transitions to Jenzabar’s Higher Reach. This software will allow BIT to track and report on training activities, undertake e-marketing campaigns and transition to a true shopping cart environment for online registrations.

Foundation Planning

STI Foundation planning centers around a 5-year Development Plan based on its mission to obtain, manage and allocate contributions to support STI students. The current plan was approved by the Sioux Falls School Board in January 2009 and is reviewed and updated annually by the STI Foundation Board, STI Institutional Advancement Officer and STI President. In this plan, the STI Foundation Board defines its key goals as continuing to build corporate awareness of the value STI brings to our community through workforce development and supporting student success through scholarships and targeted initiatives.

Marketing Planning

Since marketing is such a critical aspect of STI’s success, STI has established a Marketing Committee to address STI marketing needs and planning. The committee includes the Marketing Coordinator and marketing staff, President, Director of Students, and the STI Web Specialist and meets weekly to set and implement STI’s marketing plan.

The plan helps assure that all facets of marketing – print, media, web, phone, etc. – are used effectively and convey a coherent message and accomplish efficient use of limited resources.

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