Sep 23, 2024  
2021-2022 Academic Catalog 
2021-2022 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3-5 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 or 4 credits Credit Hours
   7 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
  • GEN ED REQ - Diesel Technology: Agriculture/Construction Emphasis Additional Gen-Ed Requirement

    3 Credit Hours
    Successfully complete 3 credits out of one additional category: (these must be courses you haven’t already taken)

    Communications Computers Humanities Mathematics Natural Sciences Social Sciences  
    CMST 100      CSC 105     SPAN 103      MATH 100      EMT 105  & EMT 105 L    ECON 201          
    CMST 101          MATH 101       ENV 101     ECON 202         
    ENGL 100         MATH 103       PHYS 100      PSYC 100        
    ENGL 101         MATH 114       PSYC 101        
    ENGL 201         MATH 116     PSYC 102         
          MATH 120      SOC 101       
              SOC 107        
              SOC 150         
              SOC 250      

    Additional Information: Successfully complete 3 credits out of one additional category (these must be courses you haven’t already taken) (CMST 100, CMST 101, ENGL 100, ENGL 101, ENGL 201, CSC 105, SPAN 103, MATH 100, MATH 101, MATH 103, MATH 114, MATH 116, MATH 120, EMT 105/EMT 105L, ENV 101, PHYS 100, ECON 201, ECON 202, PSYC 100, PSYC 101, PSYC 102, SOC 101, SOC 107, SOC 150 or SOC 250)

    Check course scheduling information | Check course textbook information
3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3-5 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
  • GEN ED REQ - Diesel Technology: Transportation Emphasis Additional Gen-Ed Requirement

    3 Credit Hours
    Successfully complete 3 credits out of one additional category: (these must be courses you haven’t already taken)

    Communications Computers Humanities Mathematics Natural Sciences Social Sciences  
    CMST 100     CSC 105    SPAN 103     MATH 100     EMT 105  & EMT 105 L   ECON 201         
    CMST 101         MATH 101      ENV 101    ECON 202        
    ENGL 100         MATH 103      PHYS 100     PSYC 100       
    ENGL 101        MATH 114       PSYC 101       
    ENGL 201        MATH 116     PSYC 102        
          MATH 120     SOC 101       
              SOC 107       
              SOC 150        
              SOC 250     

    Additional Information: Successfully complete 3 credits out of one additional category (these must be courses you haven’t already taken) (CMST 100, CMST 101, ENGL 100, ENGL 101, ENGL 201, CSC 105, SPAN 103, MATH 100, MATH 101, MATH 103, MATH 114, MATH 116, MATH 120, EMT 105/EMT 105L, ENV 101, PHYS 100, ECON 201, ECON 202, PSYC 100, PSYC 101, PSYC 102, SOC 101, SOC 107, SOC 150 or SOC 250)

    Check course scheduling information | Check course textbook information
3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3-5 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3-5 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3-5 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 or 4 credits Credit Hours
  • GEN ED REQ - Engineering Technology Mathematics Requirement

    3 or 5 credits Credit Hours
    Successfully complete one of the following courses:

    Prerequisites: Placement Assessment (MATH 116 prereq of MATH 101, MATH 120 prereq of MATH 114)

    Additional Information: Mathematics Requirement (3 or 5 credits from MATH 116 or MATH 120)

    Check course scheduling information | Check course textbook information
3 or 5 credits Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3-5 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 or 4 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3-5 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3-5 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 or 4 Credit Hours
   7 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
  • GEN ED REQ - Law Enforcement Communications/Humanities Requirement

    6 Credit Hours
    Successfully complete 6 credits from Communications or 3 credits from Communications and 3 credits from Humanities:

    Communications Humanities  
    CMST 101      SPAN 103       
    ENGL 100         
    ENGL 101         

    Additional Information: Communications/Humanities Requirement: Must take 6 credits from Communications or 3 credits from Communications and 3 credits from Humanities (SPCM 101, ENGL 100, ENGL 101 or SPAN 103)

    Check course scheduling information | Check course textbook information
6 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
  • GEN ED REQ - Law Enforcement Natural Sciences Requirement

    3 Credit Hours
    Successfully complete one the following course:

    *EMR 102 will not count towards your general education requirement. An additional course might be needed to complete your degree. Speak with your advisor for more information.

    Additional Information: Natural Sciences Requirement (EMT 105/EMT 105L or EMR 102)

    Check course scheduling information | Check course textbook information
3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 or 4 Credit Hours
   4 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3-5 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3-5 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   4 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
  • GEN ED REQ - Mechatronics Technology Social Sciences Requirement

    3 Credit Hours
    Successfully complete one of the following courses:

    Additional Information: Social Sciences Requirement (3 credits from SOC 150 or SOC 250)

3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3-5 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   4 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours
   3 Credit Hours

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